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Jimin pants fast and hard as he feels this stranger's hand roam around his body. The room is getting hot and is filled with nasty noises. The stranger's lips fall on Jimin's neck, ready to bite his neck and mark him all over.  

Before anything happens Jimin shoves the stranger. "In your dreams." He says getting off the desk he was on. He starts buttoning his shirt back up. "What do you mean, it was getting to the best part. You can't leave me with blue balls." The guy says grabbing Jimin's hand. 

"Blue balls aren't a thing. Let me go weirdo, your scent is making me sick." Jimin says as he shoves his hand away. "You can't just leave me like this omega." The stranger makes his scent stronger to try and scare Jimin. All it did was make Jimin feel nauseous. 

"You reek. Let me through." Jimin tried to leave the classroom. Don't judge him for almost getting steamy in his math class. "I know you want me omega," he says with a smirk. Which made Jimin want him even less, he didn't even want him in the first place. 

"Ok alpha." He says in a mocking tone. "I totally want you, you can smell my slick wanting you." He says as he rolls his eyes and walking towards the door. He was pushed against the wall hurting his back in the process. 

"So you think your so funny. Open your mouth omega." He says aggressively. Jimin stayed calm making sure his scent doesn't spike up with emotion. If this alpha knew he was scared it would be all over. 

"Look here, I'm not interested. It was a mistake, I don't want you. Get that through your head you stupid smelling alpha!" Jimin says as he kicks the alphas groin area. "Fuck!!" he bends down but quickly grabs jimin hips. "OH you're gonna regret that you dumb slu-" 

The door opened abruptly. 

"O-oh sorry...." the three of them were all starring at each other in awkwardness. Jimin took this opportunity and got away from the alpha's grasp . He walked through the door leaving the Alpha in pain in shock. "H-hey come back!" He looked at the person who opened the door. "Nice going weirdo." He says about to chase after Jimin. 

The person quickly closed the door on his face and went to Jimin. "H-hey you should probably run...he seems mad and I think he's coming after you." Jimin looks at this new stranger and gives him a head nod and starts to jog a bit. 

Jimin decides to go to his dorm, just to be safe after that encounter. 

He enters his dorm to see his roommate there. "Hey Jin. How's studying going?" Jin looks at him with dark circles under his eyes and a dead look. "Good....Good." He sighs out and it seems like he might pass out. 

This is Jimin second semester, he's a nursing major. Not something he wanted to do but something he needed to be. He wasn't complaining it was his choice to move here and be "a commoner" as his mother said. 

Jin was in his third year of nursing and has been...going through it. 

"So you got home late...went with another guy tonight?" Jin asks making himself a third cup of coffee. "You make me sound like a whore. But yes." He says sitting on his bed. 

"Well not saying you are are. How did it go this time?" he asks going back to his desk. "Horrible. None of these guy know what consent is and all we did is kiss and oh my gosh. Don't get me started on his awful scent." 

"Look I know most of this population is not all about....wolf stuff anymore. Like I can't even smell scents and I don't even get my heat anymore. Especially since I take pills but maybe because you haven't found your....mate? Every guy scent smells gross to you." Jin replies taking a sip his coffee. 

Jimin knew no one really had their wolf instinct anymore. Especially omegas, not after they invented 'the pill' which helped omegas with their heat. Which basically stopped giving omegas heats and with time it took away their ability to smell pheromones and even took their pheromones away. Jimin thinks it's really weird and sick that something so small is able to do damage  to ones body. 

Jimin was raised in one of the only tribes left. He still had his wolf instinct and can even turn into his wolf, well he hasn't done that in a while. He still has heats and is able to smell pheromones and even has his. He was considered a full blood. 

Nowadays theres barely even "full bloods". They're considered "exotic" and are portrayed as omegas who can have sex all the time and are sexualized...a lot. For alphas, most of them still have their ruts and can smell their pheromones because they're was no pill invented for them. They get to stink up the place. 

"Jimin...Jimin...JIMIN!" Jin calls out and Jimin looks at him. "Sorry...what happened?" he says getting up from his bed. "What do I...smell like?" he asks shyly. 

Jimin goes close up to him and closes his eyes. He sniffs his hair, then his neck. He opens his eyes and huffs out. "You smell like....nothing. Besides your lavender shampoo but it's really faint." he says. Jin looks down "oh."

"Why?" Jimin asks looking a bit concerned. "Nothing." He says going back to his laptop. "Ok...well I'm going to shower. I reek of that alpha." and goes to the bathroom. 

Jin looks at his pill bottle and puts it inside his desk drawer and closes it aggressively. 


The next morning came and Jimin woke up to his back hurting. That push from the other day definitely left a bruise on his tribe marks. They were so sensitive to the touch a small light touch would give him a bruise. The day is not starting right. 

He went to the bathroom to check on his back and yup. He saw a big purple bruise in the middle of his back. Alphas are the worst. He doesn't know why he tried to be with them if they're all the same. Same stinky horny alphas, they have no respect for him. They would have less respect for him if he told them where he's actually from. 

Thats why Jimin goes to his closet and puts a turtle neck on to hide his tribe markings. Making sure no one knows he's....some sort of royalty. 


He starts walking to class and sees the alpha from yesterday. damn it.

"Hey you!" he shouts out and all Jimin can do is speed walk away. He totally knows im ignoring him now....

The alpha comes closer. 

"Hey maybe you should leave him alone." The pair looks at the new voice. His hero...again.

"What did you say twerp?" The alpha says glaring at the new so-called hero. "He clearly doesn't want to see you. Leave him alone." he replies. 

Jimin look at the two...alphas? 

"What are you his friend? Go away. Not your problem." He turns to Jimin but the hero wan't finished. "Get away from him. He clearly doesn't want you near him because you reek." He says standing in front of Jimin. 

The alpha rolls his eyes. "Whatever. I can't deal with this useless omega and whatever you are. Annoying ass. COCKBLOCKER." He shouts the last part as he jogged away. 

Jimin looks him. "Thank you. You saved me twice, let me take you out to drink." He says smirking. The Hero looks at him wide eyed. "A-Ah no it's okay. He just seems weird so I had to do something. You don't have to repay me." He says smiling. Cute.

"What's your name hero of mine." Jimin says flirtatiously. "I'm Yoongi. I'm a second year here...major is engeneering. What is yours?" he asks shyly. "I'm Jimin, first year. My major is nursing. Are you an omega too." right when Jimin said that Yoongi smile dropped. 

"I'm an alpha." He says quietly. Jimin eyes go wide. " seem so..." No words come out of Jimin making things awkward. 

"Heres my number. Let's go get drinks." Jimin says taking a marker and writing it on the poor alphas hand. "Thanks again...hero." and with that Jimin left the poor alpha all embarrassed. 

Your Teeth In My Neck [YOONMIN]Where stories live. Discover now