CHAPTER-17 Escape-part 2

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It was a peaceful scene, but one that was tinged with an underlying sense of danger. Despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, Chloe and Carol felt a sense of comfort in knowing that they were in the company of such brave and capable knights.

They trusted Grey and his companions implicitly, and knew that they would do everything in their power to keep them safe. And so they rode on, the sun sinking lower in the sky with each passing moment. The journey ahead was long and treacherous, but with Grey at their side, they felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As the sun began to set, the group decided to stop at a small inn to rest for the night. They knew that traveling at night could be dangerous, as bandits often roamed the roads under the cover of darkness. The innkeeper greeted them warmly and showed them to their rooms. They settled in for the night.

Carol tossed and turned in her bed, unable to find any peace. Her mind was consumed with thoughts of Ragnarök and how he had betrayed her. She couldn't believe that someone she had trusted so deeply could do something so hurtful.

As she sat up in bed, tears began to stream down her face. The pain of the betrayal was overwhelming, and she felt like her heart had been shattered into a million pieces. She had opened up to Ragnarök, shared her deepest fears and hopes with him, and now it all felt like a lie.

The weight of the situation was too much for Carol to bear, and she let out a sob. She knew that she needed to confront Ragnarök and get some answers, but the thought of facing him made her feel sick to her stomach. All she wanted was to curl up in a ball and cry until the pain went away. But she knew that she couldn't run from this forever. She needed to face the truth, no matter how much it hurt.

In an attempt to escape the clutches of her overthinking, she ventured outside the confines of her room and found solace in the vast, empty field surrounding the inn. This serene environment brought back memories of the beautiful botanical garden that Ragnarök had generously bestowed upon her.

Rubis…" Carol's voice trembled with a mixture of longing and care, her words a gentle whisper of her soul. In the depths of her being, she let out a silent cry, a silent plea for understanding.

At that moment, Carol realized something profound—she genuinely cared for him, despite the pain he had caused her family. She couldn't bring herself to hate him. Tears welled up in Carol's eyes as she reflected on the journey they had shared.

The memories flooded her mind, each one etched with love and laughter. She remembered the way his eyes sparkled when he smiled, the warmth of his touch, and the way he made her feel alive. It was as if he had woven himself into the very fabric of her being, leaving an indelible mark on her heart.

But alongside those beautiful memories, there were also moments of darkness. The pain he had inflicted on her family had been deep and lasting. It had shattered their lives, leaving behind scars that would never fully heal.

Yet, despite it all, Carol couldn't deny the connection she felt with him. She had tried to hate him, to push him away, But with each passing day, she realized that her heart still yearned for him. It was a bittersweet realization, for she knew that loving him meant accepting the flaws and mistakes he had made.

“It's not love,” she muttered under her breath, her voice filled with conviction. She shook her head vigorously, as if trying to dispel any lingering doubts. With a determined expression, she reached up and wiped away the tears that had welled up in her eyes, determined to hold on to her resolve and never let herself fall for him.

As she took a deep breath, she reminded herself that love was not a necessity in life. It was just a fleeting emotion that could cloud judgment and lead to heartache. She had seen it happen to others, and she refused to let herself become another victim of its whims.

She had always prided herself on her independence and self-reliance. Love, in her mind, was a mere distraction, a weakness that she couldn't afford to entertain. She had built a fortress around her heart, fortified with walls of determination and fortified with the bricks of self-preservation.

With each passing moment, her resolve grew stronger. She reminded herself of all the reasons why she shouldn't love him. She focused on his flaws, the aspects of his personality that clashed with her own. Likewise, she dwelled on the moments when he had let her down, hurt her.

She was lost in her thoughts when suddenly a loud noise caught her attention. As she turned around to see what it was, a strong gust of wind blew past her, momentarily obstructing her view.

As the smoke began to dissipate, her heart sank at the devastating sight that unfolded before her eyes.


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