Mission 4.5 - Vengeance of the Vulture

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"All right, lets do this one more time. My name is Peter Parker. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for about a year... I've been the one, and only. Spider-Man. I'm pretty sure you know the rest."

"With great power comes great responsibility."

"I saved a bunch of people, Iron Man recruited me to be on his team, fought Captain America, crazy right? Got hit by a drone that looked like a Falcon. Fell in love. My best friend found I was Spider-Man. But after everything..... I still love being Spider-Man. I mean who wouldn't? So no matter how many hits I take... I always find a way to come back. There's only one Spider-Man, and you're looking at him—" Spider-Man's narration was interrupted as he sees many groups thugs who are wearing the Heroes of Robloxia masks causing chaos in the streets city below. "Wow, there are a lot of bad guys on the streets today!" He swings across the city, "I should beat them all then try to figure out where they all came from."

Spider-Man swings across the city beating and webbing up and thugs, in a total of 30. Beating the final gang near the docks, Spider-Man notice that Golden Gate Bridge has been attacked. "Holy guacamole! What happened up there? I can probably climb up the bridge support to investigate." After managing to climb the bridge, he sees someone with metallic wings and mostly resembling a vulture.

"What? Who are you? Are you trying to meddle with my plans? Ha! We'll see about! I'm not about to let a kid in tights ruin this for me!" The individual sends his men to attack the wall-crawler. Spider- Man easily defeats all 5, the individual shouts, "What did you do to my henchmen? That's it, no more playing around you dumb spider!" Vulture flies to the other side of the destroyed bridge, prompting Spider-Man to swing after him. "This is a waste of my time. My plan is about to set in motion anyway. Get out while you can, before I'm forced to hurt you! Do you really think you can stop the Vulture?" Vulture says after Spider-Man defeats another row of his henchmen, flying to a nearby freight forwarder where more Chitauri/Alien tech is located.

"I should follow him and try to stop him from getting away with those stolen weapons!"

Arriving to the freight forwarder, Spider-Man gets an unexpected visit... "Hi Spider-Man! I'm Captain Roblox, and we're the Heroes of Robloxia! We got the word that Vulture was stealing weapons, and we're here to help! Let's go fight!" Spider-Man wasn't expecting a team-up, especially heroes from Robloxia, but he isn't complaining about it.

"I see you've finally found me! Too bad I'm going to destroy you now! Come at me!" Vulture shouts at the heroes. Overdrive uses his speed and attack Vulture on top of crates, prompting the Vulture to fly away and call more of his henchmen. Too bad Vulture landed on some explosive blue barrels, Tessla shocks the barrels causing it to explode. Captain Roblox knock one of the crates on Vulture, he escapes but one of his wings were damaged in the process, the second wing gets damaged as well from the flying green barrels from Kinetic's telekinesis. Spider-Man takes the final hit, shooting his webs at Vultures engines while he hovers. He falls to the ground, Vulture has been defeated. The city is now sage again thanks to Spider-Man and the Heroes of Robloxia.

Back at Robloxia in Hero Tower, "You've defeated me..." Vulture groans, "But there's still more evil to conquer..."

One Second Later...

Amethysto arrives panting, "Sorry I couldn't join the mission- Never eating those tacos again—" Amethysto looks at Vulture, "...Who the heck is this guy? Is this the villain you guys beat? Why is he not in the containment cell with the others? And what's with the web?"

Atomic Waste sighs, "Ugh, we don't need another animal themed villains in this cell, Cicada is bad enough!"

"Cicada sick of bullying. Cicada is greatest of villains. Cicada RULES!" Cicada is facing the wall upside down.

Meanwhile From Before in New York City...

"Wait, so you're an X-Men? That's spectacular! I never met a mutant before." Spider-Man says to Tessla.

Tessla chuckles, "He he, former X-Men actually." Tessla looks to her other teammates, "Guys, I'm going to visit X-Mansion, I'll meet you back at Hero Tower later."

"Have fun!" Her team replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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