Mission 4 - Purple Peril

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As our heroes: Captain Roblox, Overdrive, Tessla, and Kinetic are returning back to Hero Tower, it seems that the city was attacked, buildings toppled onto each other and destruction all around. "Wow... What happened here?" Captain Roblox looks around.

"I bet that Darkmatter was responsible for this!" Overdrive yelled, the rest of the team with angry expressions. Darkmatter summons a ton of baddies (Just Bug Thugs) to distract the heroes so that he can activate his device. As the heroes defeated all the baddies, a wall of Dark-purple flames disperse, it's possible to pass now. The heroes come across Darkmatter, the heroes ready their selves for the upcoming confrontation.

"How dare you try to stop me! You've nearly foiled my plans and captured my 3 henchmen!" Darkmatter screamed at them.
The heroes replied, "We just want to protect the citizens of Robloxia."

Darkmatter uncontrollably laughs, before controlling himself, "Hah! Robloxia will fall and its citizens will be my prisoners!"

"We will stop you and end your evil reign of terror."
Darkmatter giggles, "My reign of terror is just beginning, thanks to my machine! Watch this!" He uses his growth device to grow himself to the size of a building, which also increases his powers. Darkmatter then used his increased power to lift up part of the ground below him so that he can fight the Heroes with his gigantic fists, and with cars and propane tanks. "When I'm done here, light will be extinguished from this universe! Just like how it began!" Darkmatter throws cars at the heroes, which Kinetic uses his telekinesis to launch it back at him, Darkmatter prepares to throw a propane tanks that exploded in his grasp by being electrocuted by Tessla. Darkmatter teleports in baddies such as Bug Thugs, Toxic Slimes, and Dynano Demolitionists to weaken the heroes. Darkmatter is getting annoyed and exhausted from the attacks, he slams and gets closer to the lifted piece of ground, and starts using his giant fists to fight back. Overdrive deals damage to the left arm when the heroes dodge it, and Captain Roblox uses his strength to push back his right arm.

After a tough, epic battle... Darkmatter is finally defeated, "GAAHHH!! You think this is the end of me?! AS DARKNESS IS AROUND, I STILL LIiiivvveeeee..." The evil spirit dissolves, revealing...?

"Wha... what happened? I-I..."

"AMETHYSTO?!" Captain Roblox cried out, "YOU'RE ALIVE?!?!"

Overdrive couldn't believe what he's seeing, "Holy #####, he's alive... But, how?"

"It seems that you were corrupted by something evil and became a villain. You tried to destroy Robloxia, but we stopped you!" Tessla goes over to Amethysto, lending a hand to help him up.

Amethysto grabs Tessla's hand, "T-thank you for saving me. I can feel the darkness leaving me!"

Overdrive replies, "It's good to have you back as a Hero of Robloxia again, Amethysto... Heroes of Robloxia..." Overdrive gasps, "That should be our team name!"

"Did you just think of that now?" Kinetic says.

Overdrive smiles, "Yep."

As our adventure comes to an end, Darkmatter became Amethysto and rejoined the Heroes of Robloxia as a good guy. Roblox was saved, and the heroes reunited. The End.

"...Not to be rude or anything, who the heck are these 2 new guys?" -Amethysto, 2017.


In the containment cell at Hero Tower, "Ugh, why did they have to put us all in the same cell? ...And why did let me have my Toxic Gun?" Atomic Waste groans.

"Mm, Cicada no like being incarcerated-" Cicada whines.

"Shut up, bug brains. I sneaked a dynamite in here, muahaha! ...I have nothing to light it though." Says Dynamo.

Amethysto stands near the containment cell, "Being a good guy again now feels... great!" While standing, he seems to be holding a purple flame, his smile fades as he hears eerie voices in his mind...

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