Mission 1 - Bank Heist Bust

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In the city of Robloxia, the Bug Thugs has been spotted at the ROBLOXia Bank stealing gold! The alarm of the bank blares loudly as Captain Roblox, the leader of the team, along with one of the members of the team and his friend, Overdrive, arrive just in time to stop them. "The Bug Thugs! Are robbing the bank!" Overdrive calls out. Captain Roblox replies to Overdrive, saying that they must stop them. Captain Roblox and Overdrive managed to defeat the thugs in the bank with brute strength and speed.

As if loosened by the fight, the door to the bank vault opens. "Uh oh, there's more!" Captain Roblox shouted, and yet again the two defeated the thugs easily. The vault has been emptied with a broken wall which how the thugs escaped with the money and gold. As they leave the through the broken wall they were soon were ambushed by more thugs. Irritated, Captain Roblox activates his Ultimate Mode, Size Manipulation, doubling his size. Terrified, the thugs run in a panic, not before getting their senses knocked in. The two go through an alley way. Captain Roblox remove a chain-link fence blocking their way and enter an alley way.

"Captain Roblox, how could all 3 villains escape? The guards said none of them even had their gear on them." Overdrive said.

"I don't know myself, what's important right now is to capture the villains again before they hurt someone. It may be another villain, as some black fire were present in the incident." Captain Roblox replies.

It looks like whoever robbed the bank left a trail of gold. The two follow the trail for chance they can find the one that robbed the bank. A bus blocks their path, though it seemed fairly weak. Captain Roblox uses his strength to make an entry way, the path would lead the heroes to more Bug Thugs and finally ending at the construction zone. Overdrive took notice a gold bar falling from one of the building, he looks up and finds Cicada buzzing around with all the gold.

Captain Roblox pulls on an I-beam girder, causing a wooden plank to fall down, making a ramp for them to walk on. The two climbs the construction building, Overdrive uses his Handblades to cut a rope, causing a ladder to break through from atop. They climb higher, defeating a few Bug Thugs in the process and Captain Roblox destroys a wall of bricks. They finally reach the top, though so close yet so far from Cicada.

"We need to get over there to that roof to reach him..." Captain Roblox thinks to himself, he then looks at a nearby crane, "This crane looks like it could be used for something!"

Captain Roblox climbs on the crane and pushes it, causing the top to move near the roof where Cicada is on. Captain Roblox and Overdrive finally confront Cicada, "Mua- ha- ha!!!" The Cicada cackles, "I,

the Cicada, have stolen all the gold! The Mighty Darkmatter will be very pleased with me, just try and stop me!"

"Darkmatter? Oh, so that's who broke you out of prison, huh? You should really re-think your life choices, because you're going to feel lots of pain in the morning!" Overdrive says to Cicada.

"Time to put an end to this fiend's plan!" Captain Roblox shouts as the two engage with the villain.
Cicada flies and let's his Bug Thugs weaken them, after all were defeated, Cicada lands and fights the heroes hand-to-hand. After an epic battle, Captain Roblox activates his Ultimate Mode and squashes the Cicada, finishing the battle. "The sinister Cicada has been squashed! Well done team!" The two celebrates over the victory.

Meanwhile... "The first piece of my creation... My rise to power has begun!" When the action was happening, Darkmatter broke into the bank and managed to obtain some of the gold, as well as an object he plans to use as a piece of his machine.

To Be Continued in Mission 2: Toxic Factory Takedown

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