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This is the second-to-last part of the book.

I hope you all enjoy it.

Additionally, there are no negative characters in this narrative; it entirely centers around Abhimanyu and Aarohi and delves into their emotions.



No response.

"Dr. Aarohi."

Still met with silence.


"I know you're not asleep, and we need to talk. I remember what happened last night."

Saying this, Abhimanyu carefully lifted the duvet from Aarohi's face, hoping to initiate a conversation.

Reluctantly, Aarohi opened her eyes but steered clear of making direct eye contact with Abhimanyu. Her apprehension stemmed from the fear of potential rejection and the reluctance to confront emotions she was hesitant to acknowledge within her heart.

"Aarohi, I..."

"Abhimanyu, let's go home. This isn't the right place for this conversation."

With those words, Aarohi stood up and left the room, feeling relieved to postpone the conversation for the time being. Abhimanyu followed her, his face reflecting determination.

Aarohi settled comfortably in the passenger seat as Abhimanyu drove off. The events of the previous night kept replaying in her mind, and to ward off any potential awkwardness between them, she closed her eyes temporarily, seeking a moment of respite.

After some time, when Aarohi opened her eyes, she looked around, feeling puzzled. "Abhimanyu, this is not the way to our home," she remarked, turning her gaze toward him, only to find his expressionless face.

Suddenly, panic surged within her heart, a rapid heartbeat echoing her increasing unease. "Abhimanyu, where are you taking me? Where are we going?" Her voice trembled with a mix of anxiety and confusion.

Witnessing her distress, he couldn't help but smirk, well aware of the reason behind it. She started fidgeting with her fingers, feeling the intensity of his gaze on her, while his smirk only fueled her frustration. Unable to bear the weight of the unspoken tension, she turned her attention outside, knowing that her words might fall on deaf ears. The landscape blurred as she tried to make sense of the unexpected detour, the unknown destination amplifying her sense of apprehension.

As Aarohi's eyes locked onto the road ahead, a growing sense of urgency filled her as she noticed another vehicle approaching. Meanwhile, Abhimanyu remained engrossed in looking at her, seemingly oblivious to the impending danger.

"Abhimanyu!" Aarohi's panicked cry finally snapped his attention away from her.

Breaking his gaze, he swiftly refocused on the road and accelerated, attempting to evade the oncoming collision. Despite his quick reaction, their car ended up colliding with a tree. In the crucial moments just before impact, Abhimanyu instinctively extended his hand protectively in front of Aarohi, shielding her from potential harm.

The collision occurred, and although Abhimanyu's hand and head bore the brunt of the impact, the injuries were not severe. His immediate reflex to shield Aarohi showcased his commitment to her safety, even at the cost of his own well-being. As the dust settled, it became evident that their injuries, while present, were not life-threatening, and Abhimanyu's protective gesture underscored the depth of their connection amidst the unforeseen chaos.

As soon as the car came to a halt, Aarohi swiftly exited and rushed to Abhimanyu's side, her heart sinking as she observed blood oozing from his forehead. Tears welled up in her eyes as she anxiously took him out of the car, realizing they were in a secluded area with no passing vehicles in sight.

Spotting a bench in a small nearby park, she gently guided him to sit and then hurried back to the car in search of the first aid box.

"Thank God we are doctors, so we always carry a First Aid kit with us. Otherwise, everyone knows how careless he is," she muttered under her breath, a mixture of relief and concern evident in her voice.

Returning with the first aid kit, Aarohi began tending to Abhimanyu's injuries. Her hands worked quickly but carefully, applying antiseptic and bandages to the wounds on his forehead. The gravity of the situation became more apparent, and the secluded surroundings emphasized the urgency of their predicament. Despite the shock of the accident, Aarohi's medical training kicked in, and she focused on stabilizing Abhimanyu as best as she could with the limited resources available in their immediate surroundings.

Gently making Abhimanyu lie down on the bench temporarily, Aarohi began to scan their surroundings for assistance and stumbled upon a discarded cottage nearby.

"This feels like something out of a movie – the lead pair stuck in a secluded place, and now I find this abandoned cottage. Does all this really happen in real life? Ughhh," Aarohi mused, a mix of frustration and disbelief evident in her voice.

With a sigh, she turned and left to retrieve Abhimanyu, deciding it might be a better idea to spend some time in the cottage, especially considering the unfavorable weather.

"Everything seems to be happening today. First, I tripped, then Abhimanyu appeared, drove us to this secluded spot, the collision, his injury, and now this sudden change in weather. It's been totally frustrating in every way," she muttered to herself, reflecting on the whirlwind of events that had unfolded in such a short span.

Discovering a mattress tucked away in a corner of the cottage, Aarohi carefully helped Abhimanyu lie down after administering a painkiller to alleviate his discomfort. She then took a moment to send a message back home.

"Maa, make sure Roohi is asleep. Abhimanyu and I might not make it back until tomorrow morning due to work."

"Alright, Aarohi beta. Take care, and both of you must have dinner on time," Manjiri replied, her attention briefly diverted from her household tasks.

Manjiri's response conveyed a mix of concern and understanding, acknowledging the unexpected turn of events. Aarohi, with a deep breath, focused on attending to Abhimanyu's well-being while they waited for the night to unfold in the seclusion of the cottage.

In his sleep, Abhimanyu unconsciously pulled Aarohi towards him, and, feeling tired, she acquiesced, lying down beside him. As she nestled herself on his chest, seeking warmth and comfort, both of them gradually succumbed to the weariness of the tumultuous day. In the tranquil seclusion of the cottage, the rhythmic rise and fall of Abhimanyu's chest became a lullaby, lulling them into a peaceful slumber, wrapped in the solace of each other's presence.


Back with next part. How is it?

Finale conclusion is only left.

Being far from home and facing unexpected circumstances, Abhimanyu's impending confrontation with Aarohi promised an emotional exchange. 

The secluded setting added an intriguing layer to their already eventful day.

FINALE will definitely a treat.

With warm regards,


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