Chapter Seven - Betrayl

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Back to Masie's POV

It's been a few hours after Oli and Av got here. I didn't really realize how much I missed them until I was with them. Laughing with Avery and hugging Oli.

Everyone is around the fire at the back of the house on the patio. Ethan sitting by Kai, Kai sitting by me, Oli sitting on the other side of me, Av sitting down by my legs, Cae and Liam sitting next to each other, then Lilian and Landry sitting close to each other on a bench.

The only one drinking here is Avery and she always makes me laugh when she's drunk because she says the funniest, most out of pocket things.

Everyone is laughing at a joke Liam said, except Kai. Kai's glare is set on Landry and Lilian having their own little conversation. My heart warms at the sight of young love and it gets warmer at Kai's overprotectiveness. I think it's sweet. I mean not particularly sweet that he's drilling holes into my little brothers head with his eyes but you know. Sweet.

I watch as the muscle in his jaw tightens. Hot. Not only that but also how his biceps accidentally flex every now and then. The glow from the fire on his face adds to the hotness since it's nighttime and the stars and moon are shining above us.

Oli must've noticed my staring because his grip tightens on my hand. I frown. "Wanna go walk down to the pier?" He asks softly. I nod my head.

He stands up, practically dragging me with him, walking down the stone steps and towards the tiny path to the pier. The whole place is open so I can still see the patio from here.

I look up to Ethan and Kai staring at us. I revert my gaze to Oli, now taking a seat at the edge. I join next to him.

"Do you have feelings for him?" My head shoots to him.

"What?" I ask, pausing. "Who!?" I act dumb. I already know who.

"Kyson." He replies.

"Kai" I retort fast. "And no I don't."

"Then why do you stare at him like that?" He shoots back at me, eyes staring into the waves.

I pause the waves crashing below us.

"Listen Maze, I need to talk to you." He practically blurts out.

Oh no. No no no. I already knew what's coming.

My gaze still on him, I nod, telling him to continue.

"I um," He starts. I stare into my hands. "Listen I-" He sighs. "Masie I kissed someone else."

My head shoots towards him again. I stand up, him following me.

"YOU WHAT?" I practically scream. I shake my head, seeing Kai standing up from his chair as soon as I scream out of my peripheral vision, Ethan no where in sight though. I have a lot of time since the walk is a little bit before he gets down here.

"Who?" I say through gritted teeth.

He swallows. "Gwen"

My whole world came tumbling down as my eyes flooded with tears.

"When?" I ask, not sure I even want to know.

"The night of the party." He mumbles looking down.


"You fucking douche!" I yell, pushing him.

"Maze I-" He starts.

I turn my gaze. Kai is almost down here, practically running.

I slap him straight across the face. Suddenly, Oli's face hardens.

"Come on, don't act like you haven't been slutting around!" He yells.

I shake my head. "Why?" I whimper, staring at the guy I once loved.

He shakes his head. "I know you've been linking with that Kai or whatever." He growls taking a step closer to me.

I shake my head violently, the tears rushing down my cheeks.

"Yeah I bet you've already do-" I slap him before he can continue. He slowly raises his gaze back to me, rubbing his cheek, already turning red.

Rage overtakes me as I go to slap him again but his hand comes fast and grips my wrist, throwing back down to my side. He raises his fist to punch me but a different, more violent, more strong hand catches his, before throwing him down.

Kai stands over Oli, throwing punch after punch after punch. I sit there watching Oli's face get bloodied.

"Kai, stop." I whimper. I look to the patio to see Ethan sprinting down here, everyone else trailing behind him.

Kai almost has Oli dead before Ethan reaches him, pulling his arms, trying to stop him movements, but its useless as Kai ignores the pull and yanks of his grab, continuing to throw more punches at Oli.

It takes Ethan, Cae, Liam, and even Landry helps pulling Kai off of Oli. Kai continues to thrash around in their hold, begging to be let go but stops when he hears Lilian's small voice.

"Kyson Gray Lowry, stop! You're scaring me." She calls to him. He finally calms down, his glare setting upon, but his face softening. Then his gaze moves to me, I can't read the emotions swimming through his eyes.

His gaze hardens as it lands on Oli. Oli groans as Ethan walks over to him.

"You're lucky you aren't dead. If it were up to me, you would be." He sneers over him.

Tears are still pooling down my cheeks as Liam and Cae walk over to me, Kai, Avery and Ethan are talking while Landry pulls crying Lilian into a hug.

"What happened?" Liam asks.

"Well, first we came down here then he started asking me if I had feelings for Kai, which is crazy right? Because apparently I was staring at him," I ramble, but stop when Liam and Cae share a knowing look. Cae nods urging me to continue, "Then, he told me he kissed someone else," I say a whimper at the end as a sob comes out my mouth.

I rush into Liams arms, hiding my face, as he hugs me. I raise my head, still sobbing.

"And that's not even the worst part!" I exclaim. "he kissed my second best friend," I whisper. Cae's eyes soften, which I thought I would never see, then return back to cold.

Avery appears next to me. Her gaze hardens as she taps away at her phone.



Made me sad for my poor Maze writing this. It's going to start to get more juicy soon!!

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