8| Luna

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"You ready to meet everybody?"

I stare up at him, my eyes probably just as blank as my mind right now. Unfortunately, old habits die hard, and I feel so much better just knowing that I am about to be paid so much money for the easiest job of my life. Three months to have sex and take half-naked pictures and attend concerts to take more pictures, I never would've thought I'd be in such an amazing position.

Even despite the blackmail.

"I don't have a choice. So yeah."

He raises his eyebrow slightly, one corner of his lips looking as if it's being tugged on by an invisible string, "You did have a choice. And this is what you chose. C'mon, most of them don't bite."

I follow behind him, my eyes wandering as I try to peek at everything I couldn't see before, his comment roaming to the black hole in my mind where I forget about everything until I'm anxious enough for it to pour all out. It really is a nice house and I've been to some decently nice places. I mean, it's not like you wouldn't expect such a luxurious space from him. He's a pop star and he dressed very well the night that I met him, that's why I chose him.

"Julian! Show Lola that it's not a slide after the first four paces, she's trying to tell me I'm wrong and I know I'm not!"

"It's always been a slide! There has never been a time that we didn't slide after the steps! It's push, push, hips, hips, slide, step--"

Julian cuts her off, "There has never been a slide, Lola. Listen to Harvey." his tone is cold as he speaks to her and as his voice is funneling through my ears, I watch as her heart breaks before it falls into the flames of her eyes.

"Thank you." Harvey scoffs, his eyes rolling as he turns around and stretches his legs back toward where they were before.

I look up, thinking my eyes would be meeting Julians, but no, he was halfway back down the stairs. "Julian!" I call out as I lean over the glass banister, "Is that what you call an introduction?"

He looks as if my question was odd and completely unexpected, "You're a big girl. You know their names, introduce yourself. You introduced yourself to me perfectly fine." He flashes a phony smile that drops as soon as he turns back around and trots the rest of the way down the stairs.

The urge to throw my body weight over this glass banister and flatten him was strong.

I take a deep breath that only gets halfway through the ritual before getting caught in my chest. I hold onto the sides of my camera as I watch the two dancers from before stand in front of a group of three others. Despite the bickering of Harvey and Lola, they work together well from what I can see. They move in sync, not a beat or a step missed, and I can see why they've earned their titles of professionals; even if they're just backup dancers.

I watch intently, their in-sync body language captivating. The aggression they had before mixes so perfectly to create such properly molded steps. Even through their melded and synchronized movements, their individual personalities are shown.

Lola held no insecurity in her moves. Despite her being previously proved wrong, she held up and adjusted properly. I could tell that any embarrassment or anger she held in her disappeared into the air as soon as that music played.

Harvey was pure confidence. Watching him was so effortless it was calming to my eyes but a rush of adrenaline to my heart.

They were both so easy to watch and based on the few minutes that I have stood here and watched them, I could tell that I was going to enjoy at least a little part of this. Other than the sex, of course. And the money.

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