stones for jasper

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nothing in the sweet kentucky spring

moons over the mother's pastures

leapt from the stars in succession

to keep you safe from harm

river ran dry like a birth

your tears from your lover's quarrel

missing pieces on the boulevard

scars on the wrist of your father

the womb in its curse

our child will be the storm

father of the world it will seem

so let the air breathe

i will meet you in the dark

against the church's pavement

new movies for the cinema patrons

taping our entrails for the lord

so let the gold rust

into our eyes we are alive

but sink beneath my dreams

oh line to cry again

will the birds sing for you

or can the lord collect it

on cherry waves you'll float

to the end of the world

if not humanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora