what we can't see

0 0 0

silk skin laid over

the chair in which i thought

my words may mean something

mean more than lips do

so sweet was the undertones

of their soul laid on me

met in the heat of heaven

slowly melt the numbers

south of the border

where we meet to seek

a fortune with no monetary

valued before our sweet lord

oh the comfort of nothing

left in a room of faith

without a second thought

but you over the top

the sweet undone of it all

life left in a bottle uncapped

on the floor next to our skin

slow aeroma sweeping in

to die in plain view

of our lost holy ghost

only waking to the voice

of our own angels

tonight may i find you

on my chair once more

waiting for me to breathe

in your life and speak your name

and i can't wait

to be your last thought

if not humanOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora