what began

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the old ages we reach
faded cloth on the floor
left to strand on the dessicated wretch
of what once lay before

my words of fabled tongues
new renaissances of the league
the captured lungs of another love
left only to root in rage

what began as a simple perplexion
now reigned my days till dying light
until my bones no longer moved
and my eyes no longer read

what could have been the end
but bled out far too long
is now my wretched beginning
a means to a fleeting dream

i work these psalms into ideas
that could be barely read
by the naked eye alone
i am a ghost of my former resolute

but now i am my maker
a creator of tales
my schizophrenic prayers
yelping into the daggered air

oh how we wait
in the passing graves of our mothers
to escape what we made ourselves
and made ourselves out to be

what began as passion
soon became obsession
raw, raging sycophants
forever a dying depression

if not humanUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum