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An: Alright, progress! This chapter is a lot smoother, the text is spread out more. Yall I low-key hate typing on here or doing anything. It's so hard to edit.

Bella P.O.V

"Bella, come on. It's time to get up." Alice was pleading with me at this point. Trying to loosen the tight grasp that I had on her waist. I shook my head, burying my face in her soft hair. Her hair smelled like strawberries, probably because she had been using my shampoo. Even though she had her own that cost probably twice as much as the one I like.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled and stroked the skin underneath her belly button with my thumb. Hoping that alone would be enough to keep her in bed with me. Her usually cool body had warmed up a little from my own body heat. She still wasn't as warm as a normal person would be but that's what makes it nice. So nice. Perfect.

"You said that 20 minutes ago." She huffed and I grinned. Sliding my fingers down to fiddle the elastic band of her underwear. She stiffened in my arms against my fingers brushed against the edge of the lacey material and I fought the urge to smile even wider. I love it when she goes to bed just wearing one of my shirts and panties.

"Bella…" She grunted out my name in warning and I hummed. Now tracing random patterns on the patch of skin right above her underwear. Hopefully that would be enough to distract her. She is easily side tracked. Doesn't take much to make her forget what she was doing in the first place.

I hope she doesn't think I'm trying to start something. That's the last thing on my mind right now, I just like touching her. Her skin is just so soft. There was a small urge to dip my fingers underneath the lace, not to actually do anything. Just to see what she would do.

"Yeah babe?" I asked and suddenly she was out of my arms and the blanket was pulled off of me. I hissed at the suddenly cold air on my skin, glaring at the woman in front of me.

"What did we talk about last night?" She asked sternly and I rolled my eyes.

"We talked about how you think I'm the sexiest woman in the world and how it's nearly impossible for you to resist me." I state and she glared down at me.

"That is not what I said!" She exclaimed as I stretched my limbs. Yawning as I lifted my arms above my head, working out my stiff muscles.

"You didn't say those words exactly but the general thought was still ther-"

"What I said was it is extremely dangerous for you to tease me. That my control could slip at any moment and I could kill you! And we can't do anything too intimate until after our 3 month deal is over." She explained and I mocked her underneath my breath.

"It's extremely dangerous and I could hurt yo-" I mumbled and Alice huffed. I would have been a little worried if it wasn't the fact that she looked so cute when she's upset.

"Bella, I'm being serious right now! You can't touch me like that!" She exclaimed and I pouted. This is not how I wanted to spend my morning. The last thing I want is her nagging me about self control and how extremely risky it could be if we took things further.

That was the last thing on my mind. Well, not really. It's always in the back of my mind, taking things further with her. I can't help that. But I hadn't been trying to start anything. We both know that.

"So you want me to die a virgin?" I asked as I climbed out of bed. I stumbled into the bathroom, my legs still asleep a little. I understand why she doesn't want to have sex with me while I'm human. She's definitely not being unreasonable.

I definitely wouldn't push her for anything sexual. But I just want to kiss her. I don't want to wait three months just to kiss her. And that's at the very least, she might change her mind and decide to wait until after I'm turned.

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