40. Beneath the Stoic Surface, Part 2 - Thorin x reader (The Hobbit)

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A somber expression crossed my face as memories of my mother's teachings resurfaced. "Yes, there was a particular instance that she shared with me," I began, my voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "It was how she met my dad; it was how she knew that he was her 'one'."

The company members leaned in attentively, intrigued by the prospect of a love story tied to the mysterious art of understanding people. The flickering campfire seemed to cast a warm glow on the scene, enhancing the storytelling atmosphere.

"Back in our village, there was an annual celebration, and many travelers would pass through," I continued, my gaze focused on the dancing flames. "One year, a stranger arrived—a man with a quiet demeanor and a gaze that seemed to carry the weight of the world. He kept to himself, observing the festivities from a distance."

My words hung in the air, and the company remained silent, captivated by the unfolding tale.

"My mother, curious as ever, approached him. She noticed the subtle traces of sadness in his eyes and the way he traced the rim of his mug absentmindedly. Instead of bombarding him with questions, she engaged him in casual conversation, allowing him to share what he wished."

The company members exchanged glances, absorbing the details of the encounter.

"As they talked, my mother noticed the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about his homeland and the warmth that spread across his face when he mentioned his family. She observed the gentleness in his gestures, despite the weariness in his posture. It was in those small nuances that she saw a glimpse of the real person behind the quiet exterior."

Kili and Fili exchanged knowing smiles, recognizing the parallels between the story and the lesson my mother had imparted.

"As the night unfolded, my mother couldn't ignore the connection that had formed. She learned about his dreams, his fears, and the scars he carried from past battles. Without him explicitly stating it, she sensed the depth of his character and the goodness that resided within."

A collective sigh of appreciation rippled through the company, the enchanting quality of the love story resonating with those gathered around the campfire.

"In the end," I continued with a soft smile, "my mother didn't need any grand revelation or dramatic revelation. She simply knew. It was in the way he looked at her, in the shared laughter, and in the unspoken understanding. That night, under the starlit sky, they discovered a connection that went beyond words."

The company members, immersed in the tale, exchanged glances filled with a mixture of warmth and appreciation. The night air seemed to hold a touch of magic, as if the essence of the story lingered in the atmosphere.

Kili's eyes sparkled with mischief as he continued the banter. "Well, well," he began with a dramatic flourish, "it seems we are witnessing that tale right now, but with a slight twist. And the twist is that there are two different people: the loving person Y/N and our dear uncle, the stoic king."

Laughter echoed around the campfire as Kili's playful remark added a delightful twist to the moment. I couldn't help but blush at his words, and Thorin, though maintaining his regal composure, couldn't conceal a faint, almost imperceptible softening of his expression.

Kili continued with his dramatic flair, gesturing toward Thorin and me. "Look at them! The way Y/N looks at Thorin, the shared moments, and the unspoken understanding—it's like witnessing the beginning of a tale, but with our stoic king at the center of it."

Thorin raised an eyebrow, a subtle mix of surprise and amusement crossing his features. The other company members exchanged amused glances, thoroughly entertained by Kili's theatrical commentary.

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