2. Unseen bonds - Cole x reader (Ninjago)

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As I rested on the monarchy's roof, I stared up at the sky. I tried to divert my attention away from the outside world. But if it worked? I don't know. I exhaled deeply, closing my eyes as the wind reminded me of its presence. It surrounded me, with leaves and petals dancing around. I kept my eyes closed, content in its presence. I felt some type of connection to the wind, almost like it reassures me that everything will turn out okay in the end. A serene smile played on my lips and my shoulders relaxing as I focused on the unseen whispers of the wind.

But while my mind was at bay by the help of the wind, I didn't hear the front door open and close. I finally opened my eyes again, a little smile still graced my face. That is, until my vision finally cleared. There I noticed two orbs staring right at me. Time seemed to freeze, as my heartbeat raced. The wind, once a comforting presence, now carried a haunting whisper. "AAAhhhHH!!" I shrieked, instinctively kicking the figure before me off the roof. "Ouch!... That hurt!" groaned the person in pain, squeezing their eyes tightly. "Cole?" I questioned as I carefully jumped off the roof. "YES! It's me, COLE. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I... I don't know?! I assumed you were a nasty person, or something like that!" I responded as I waved my hands around. "BUT don't you think I should be the one to ask, why you did it?" I kept talking while emphasizing the I. "Like, what type of person, just... just come up to folk like that?! You scared the living shit out of me!" I continued pacing in a bewildered circle, eyes locked on Cole.

My heartbeat gradually slowed down as Cole winced, trying to stand up with as little pain as possible. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean to startle you." He muttered; his expression filled with pain, of course, and something else that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

My panic slowly flew away as I watched Cole struggle to stand, his face twisted in pain. I sighed, feeling guilty. "Sorry, Cole. It was just so... so unexpected." I said, extending a hand to help him up. Cole winced but managed to stand with my support. "No, it's okay. I should've come up with a better approach." he admitted, rubbing his side gently.

Cole's gaze lingered on me as he smiled, until concern etched in every line of his face. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Cole muttered, while he shifted on his feet, his words stumbling, and his voice laced with a blend of care and fear for the friend he couldn't seem to reach.

My expression softened, the tightness in my chest loosening and my fright turning into curiosity. "Looking for me? But why?" I asked while a small smile formed on my soft and plump lips. "Well, I saw you slip out after dinner, and I got worried. You've been kind of distant lately, and I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Cole explained, concern evident in his voice.

I averted my gaze, the wind carefully tugging at my loose strand of wavy hair. "I just needed some time for myself, away from... everything." I took a deep breath, as my different color orbs met his dark brown ones, which seemed to hold much love and understanding. "I appreciate your concern, but maybe next time, consider a different approach." I said, a soft chuckle escaping.

Cole's expression softened as a faint smile touched his lips, mirroring my relief. "I'll keep that in mind. Sorry again for startling you," he said, grateful for the reconciliation. I nodded, appreciating Cole's apology. "No harm done, Cole. I guess I overreacted a bit," I admitted, my eyes flickering between concern and humor.

The winds seemed to whisper a gentle reassurance around us, as if acknowledging the mended bond between the two friends. I took a step closer, reaching out for Cole's arm to offer support. "Let's get you somewhere to rest, it looks painful." I suggested.

Cole nodded gratefully, allowing me to guide him toward a nearby bench tucked away in a quiet corner of the monarchy. Seated on the dark brown bench, a comforting silence occurred between the two teenage friends.

As we sat in that peaceful corner, sharing a moment of serene companionship. The wind carefully continued its dance around us, letting the leaves fly wildly. We kept on exchanging a soft conversation, laughter mingling, and understanding filling our hearts. Our easy banter and shared smiles hinted at a renewed closeness; a bond deepened by this unexpected encounter on the rooftop.

We sat together, the incident a story to be remembered, a moment that had shifted from fright to comfort, strengthening our friendship even more. As the day began to fade, we lingered in each other's company, appreciating the solace found in our unspoken connection and the gentle assurance carried by the whispering winds.

The rooftop accident, turned into something that would help our friendship grow. The rooftop became our secret meeting place, away from the demands of the outside world. It turned into a haven where we could share our thoughts, fears, and dreams without judgment. The wind, the only witness, became a constant companion during our conversations, as if it listened to our words and carried them away into the significant sky.

As weeks turned into months, our bond became stronger. We shared stories, confided in each other, and found comfort in the simple act of being together. The rooftop, with its magnificent view of the sky and distant mountains, became a symbol of our connection—unseen, yet powerful.

Sometimes, we would sit in comfortable silence, watching the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink. Other times, we would lose ourselves in laughter, the sound echoing against the walls of the monarchy. The rooftop, once a place of startlement, transformed into a space filled with warmth and understanding.

The rooftop became our safe heaven, a retreat from the pressures of life. It witnessed our highs and lows, shared in our moments of joy and sorrow. The wind, our constant companion, continued to weave its whispers through our conversations, carrying with it the essence of our growing friendship.

As the seasons changed, so did the scenery around us. The leaves that once danced around us in the wind now fell gently to the ground, creating a carpet of memories beneath our feet. Winter brought a different kind of beauty, with the crisp air and a blanket of snow covering the rooftop, turning it into a serene landscape.

Hello you beautifull people reading this! So this is the end of my first oneshot! I feel like its really short, so sorry about that. So what do you think? Is it bad? Is it good? Myself, I kinda like it.

This was actually gonna be in a fanfiction, but I couldn't seem to continue it. And it wasn't really good, so, I stopped. Okay, well I'm gonna stop banter, and hopefully I will se you in the next chapter!

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