The dungeons

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The guards stopped before a large and imposing door that looked to be quite heavy and after making Druin sit on the ground, proceeded to struggle to open the doors, with zero effect. After a good 10 minutes of watching the guards fail, Druin got up and grabbed a handle the guards didn't notice and pulled the door open giving the guards what would've been a deadpan stare. Dusting themselves off in an effort to comfort themselves saying it was a "test" they proceeded down a long, dark, narrow stone passage leading past cages, cells, rooms, chambers, tunnels and passageways, some occupied with monsters, people, prisoners, weapons, supplies, equipment and guards

Eventually they arrived at what looked to be a very restricted area as the only way in was blocked by heavily armed guards in front of a gate hovered in locks, bolts, chains, bars and other security measures. The guards nodded to one another before cracking open the gate enough to simply shove him in and go back to doing their job (surprisingly). Druin continued by himself until he reached a stone bridge crossing a seemingly bottomless chasm and ending at a massive pair of doors. Seeing the stone bridge Druin headed for the doors just to see what this "emperor" had in store not knowing that Belos was planning on creating a new guard and a special one at that.

(A/N: I haven't watched the owl house since it was first shown of YouTube so sorry if I stuff isn't accurate or correct.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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