Chapter 15

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Everyone was gathering at the port to see the Vipers off. The crew were loading up supplies as people were seeing them off and thanking them again for what they did. All the while this was happening, Luffy was running a few things in his mind without frying it from overuse. Especially last nights events.


After kissing Luffy's stomach grumbled. Both Nami and Luffy chuckled at this.

He waved goodbye, but missed the door handle. They both looked to see Nojiko standing in the doorway smiling.

"N-Nojiko?" Nami

"Hi." Luffy said as Nojiko walked in and sat at the table. "Well, I'm going back to the party. Later."

"Hold it." Nojiko said, stopping Luffy in his tracks. "I have a request."

"A request?" Luffy

Nojiko looked at Luffy before smiling again. "I'd like to come with you on your journey."



"You heard me." Nojiko said. "I'd like to become a Viper."

"EEHHH?!" Nami shrieked.

"Sure." Luffy

"LUFFY?!" Nami yelled before she pushed him out of the house. "Give us a minute!" she said before she slammed the door. Luffy was confused, but listened in from the door. "What are you talking about Nojiko? Why would you want to come along?!"

"That Luffy kid interests me." she said as if it were a common fact. "That, and I need to make sure my little sister's safe

"Of course I'm safe." Nami said. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Have you seen your Captain's face it's creepy as hell. " Nojiko

"I can't argue with that." Nami

Luffy sank to his knees.

"Is my face really that really bad." Luffy while crying fake tears

"Says the one who smiles like that on purpose." Shinso

Luffy just chuckled.

Nami and Nojiko talked it out for a bit. Until Nami decided to give in.

"Alright, I get it." Nami said in frustration. Nojiko only smiled before she stood up and went for the door.

"Also," she said. "I wanna personally see you make your dream a reality Nami." Nami smiled at her sister's concern before Nojiko opened the door, seeing Luffy stand next to the doorway. "So then Luffy, may I call you Captain?" she asked.

Back to present

Luffy said. "You heard her guys. Set sail!"

"Aye Captain!" they all said as they started unfurling the sails.

"Nami wait!" Genzo said as he shoved his way through the crowd. "You're leaving without saying goodbye?!" Nami ignored him as she kept on running.

"Let's go!" Luffy said as the sails caught the wind. Zoro pulled up the anchor and they began to pull away from the port.

"NAMI!" Genzo shouted as Nami was now weaving around everyone in town. Up, down, left, right, running past them all before making a running jump to the ship. She landed on the railing with all the villagers shocked that she would leave without saying goodbye. Nami just stood there before lifting her shirt a bit, letting wallets and coin purses fall around her feet.

"Huh?" some of the villagers said before they checked their pockets and realized that they've all been robbed. Nami pulled some money out of a wallet, kissed it, then winked at everyone.

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