Part Ten

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Hi Y'alls this is part ten! Dang, so many parts... This one took me a while to finish, although I think you guys will like it.

Oh yeah, if you like Blackbeard(You need to go see a therapist and an exorcist at the same time) then you'll love this part! Everyone else, you're going to have much pain in this part, and I am unapologetic for causing it >:3

Shadehopper woke up what seemed like an eternity later. Everything in her memory was fuzzy, and she sat up to a familiar sight. Doflamingo was asleep on the covers at the foot of her bed, he was also partially sitting on a chair. What happened? She thought, trying to remember what had gone down.

"Hopper!" Henry's voice reached her ears and she turned to face him."Hopper! I am so glad you're ok! You were asleep for thirty hours, we are ariad you weren't going to wake up!" Doflamingo jolted awake at the yelling of Henry.

"Hopper!" Doflamingo jumped up and embraced Shadehopper, she gasped slightly at the unexpected gesture."I was afraid I had lost you." She was silent, normally he didn't show such open concern, and at his touch she felt his relief and happiness.

"I-I'm sorry." She apologized,"did I make you worry?" Both of them nodded.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing." Henry told her,"I made you run away, I should've thought about what I said more. I'm sorry about that." She suddenly remembered what happened when she was awake last. Oh right... that... she felt sadness welling up inside her again.

"Please don't run away." Doflamingo pleaded,"It's getting dark, but I hate thinking that you are that vulnerable out there." She felt his concern and he gripped her tighter, as if trying to keep her from leaving. Aw, he's so cute thinking that he could actually keep me in one place~ Shadehopper thought, feeling his concern and desperation.

"I'm not going to leave you silly pink chicken." She responded,"You can let go now." Doflamingo nodded and let go of her, backing away."But I do want to go outside. I won't go far since I am in a 'vulnerable' state."

"No, keep Doflamingo with you." Henry instructed,"I don't trust that you wont run off in a frenzy or go and cry again." Shadehopper sighed, knowing that he was right, her mood wasn't stable enough right now.

"Ok, fine." Shadehopper gave in after a small moment of thinking."I'm going to change really quickly and then we can leave." Doflamingo nodded, and left her room. Henry left shortly after and gave her a worried smile.

"Doffy-kun, how long do humans normally live?" Shadehopper asked him, riding on his shoulders.

"Around ninety years, mabe one hundred if they're lucky." Doflamingo responded,"Why do you ask?"

"Because I am afraid." She told him,"I don't want to die alone, I don't want to have to watch you and Henry die." Shadehopper held back tears.

"I have an idea, but it includes someone who might not be willing to help." Doflamingo proposed,"Law can perform a surgery that will allow someone to live forever, it'll kill him if he does it though. However that gem or your's can get rid of death, so all we'd need to do is convince Law to perform surgery on whoever you want to keep alive, and that'll be that."

"I think he'd do it for the strawhat's, me, and Henry, but I doubt that he'll do it for you." Shadehoper noted,"If he does it then I can take the gem from Luffy and give it to you." Doflamingo nodded in approval. I can have my friends forever! Shadehopper thought with glee, I don't have to leave them!

"Why would you want to do that?" Law asked.

"Yeah, why?" Luffy asked,"I'm not in for that, I wanna die like Roger."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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