Part Three

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Shadehopper had shapeshifted back to her human form by the time that the children were moved from the ship to Punk Hazard. Punk Hazard was cold and an arctic wasteland on one side, on the other it had active volcanoes and was hot as an oven. She watched the children in their new playroom, the toys were large, for some reason, and the walls had depictions of rainbows and sunshine. All of them seemed happy, and excited, all of their negative feelings had toned down although they were not gone, and Shadehopper doubted they would ever be rid of their longing for their homes.

"Hello there, Children '' a person called. Shadehopper spun around to look at them, sensing them as a threat and they were very powerful, and had a strange worst fear, and also were surprisingly pleased with themselves."I am the person who will be healing you, you may call me 'Master'" He told them, and then his eyes fell on Shadehopper,"wha- who are you?"

"I am Shadehopper." she told him sternly with a straight face, she wasn't so sure about trusting this man."and you are?"

"... I'm Caesar Clown, what are you doing in my lab?" he asked her,"this is supposed to be a secret!"

"Looking for you, I want to know about S.A.D and S.M.I.L.Es." She told him, much to his shock,"don't look so surprised, I am a part of Doffy's crew."

"Oh!" Caesar looked more relieved at this information,"come with me, I can tell you more about it but not in front of the children." she nodded and followed him out of the room, much to the disappointment of the children, who wanted her to stay.

She followed him into a room with lots of tubes and large containers labeled with the letters S.A.D.

"Now, you're not lying to me are you?" Caesar asked her,"because if you are I will dispose of you here and now."

"No, why would I be?" she asked,"I can swear by it if you want that much proof." she told him still not sure about trusting him. Dispose of me? Yeah right. I'm harder to get rid of than you think you clown. She thought amused that he was trying to intimate her.

"Swear by it." He told her,"and then I can tell you about S.A.D and S.M.I.L.Es"

"Fine I swear and If I am lying you can throw me off one of the volcanoes." she told him and his smile grew, although she kept her stern face, still on attack mode.

"S.A.D is a substance I made that allows trees to grow S.M.I.L.Es, S.M.I.L.Es are artificial devil fruits." Caesar explained,"although there is only one fruit per batch that will give powers, all the others will force the user to laugh forever!" He let out what was supposed to be an evil laugh, although it sounded more like a person rolling "r"s and saying "show" at the same time.

"Pfft! Is that an evil laugh?" she snorted,"I have heard better, and I can do better than that." she told him, and he looked at her clearly annoyed.

"I see why Joker let you onto his crew." he told her through grit teeth.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, looking at him.

"Master, who is this?" a girl with green hair interrupted him, walking into the room.

"I'm Shadehopper, nice to meet you." Shadehopper answered the girl.

"Oh, I am Monet. I was coming to tell Caesar to expect your arrival." Monet explained,"young master called and told me that she was coming."

"Joker called?" he asked.

"Yes, he told me to tell you to expect the arrival of a person named Shadehopper." Monet explained,"he said that he told her where you were and that she would definitely come looking for you."

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