Part Two

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 Shadehopper rose from her bed the sound of the crickets. Someone had opened the window and now the faint breeze of the night was coming into her room. She didn't mind though, she felt more wonderful than she had in centuries.

She got up and looked at her closet door, someone had written a note on her door:

Got you new clothes

hope you like them,


She looked at the note for a few seconds trying to figure out if it was a joke or not. After opening up the closet and finding out it is no joke she found an outfit she liked and went out to explore her captain's kingdom.

She jumped out of the window turning into a raven and gliding along the ground slowly rising into the sky. When she was above the houses the wind rushed through her feathers. She flew closer to the ground, able to hear the ground now.

"No please, I have a family!!!" she heard someone cry, and perched near where she heard the noise. When she found where the ruckus was it was a toy being thrown into a shoot by some of Doflamingo's underlings.what in the world? She hopping over to the door. The two guards were still there, but that didn't stop her, she jumped down, opened the door to the shoot and jumped down the tunnel. She heard shouts of confusion up above, but was too busy navigating the tunnel to notice.

She landed in a pile of crushed toys and other junk. She shapeshifted into her shade form, looking around the dark room, it was full of negative emotions and made her feel energetic.

"Hello!?" she yelled, only answered by her echo,"what is this place?" she asked herself.

"It's where bad toys go." one of the toys told her, he seemed to be in the best shape out of all the toys, other than being dusty and covered in scratches himself. He was a rather large prince doll, about the size of a toddler."you're not a toy though, are you? You don't look human either."

"No, I'm not a toy, or a human for that matter, I am a shade. And before you ask, no I didn't eat a devil fruit I was born with my powers" she explained feeling a pang of sorrow and sympathy for the toy,"I am also a part of the Donquixote crew's commanders."

"You're a part of the Donquixote pirates?" The toy gasped, but then went silent as if trying to decide what to do with this new information.

"Huh! You toys sure are strange!" she noted, giving a small chuckle, before offering,"say, do you want to come back with me? It's kind of lonely at night."

"Wait-what?" the toy looked shocked that she had offered and stopped as if trying to figure out if it was a joke,"s-so you'll take me with you to the place? Out of this horrible hole? Into The light of day again?"

"Sure, I don't see why not! I did ask you, so what do you say?" she asked him,"I am Shadehopper by the way."

"Woah! Thank you! I accept my name is Henry!" he told her gleefully.

"Now let's get out of here, hold on tight!" she told him, turning into a hawk, grabbing him and hopping into the shadow realm. She flew up through the tunnel, and out into the chilly night air.

"Now let's go find a place that can take care of those scratches and dirt!" Shadehopper decided out loud,"I can't be sleeping with a dirty toy!"

"O-oh t-thanks!" Henry stuttered. After finding a repair shop and threatening the salesperson, Henry was clean and Shadehopper was happy.

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Shadehopper had taken Henry back to the place, and would have told Doflamingo about him if it weren't for the toy specifically telling him not to tell Doflamingo specifically about him.

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