Part Five

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THEY ARE USING CHILDREN?! Shadehopper thought, becoming enraged. "Shadehopper I want to be a sailor when I grow up!" "I can't wait until MAster heals us!" "I want to have a big house with lots of cats!" the dreams of the children echoed in her head, those children had put their hopes and dreams in Caesar and Monet, and this was what they did with them?

She kicked the door, flying it off its hinges. She gave both of them a bloodthirsty glare, and lunged at Monet, putting seastone cuffs on her and stabbing her with a sword through the gut, pinning her to the spot. Shadehopper turned to Caesar and lunged at him, Haki infused sword in hand. She was about to stab him when she saw someone flash by and pain shot through her body. She let out an involuntary scream and fell to the ground with a "THUD" she dug her fingers into the steel of the ground and the pain stopped, she fell over.

She laid there trying to get her breathing under control. She opened her eyes and got up a bit looking around and to her surprise Law was standing near her with something in his hands. She looked closer, from far away it was a cube, but that cube had something in it, her heart. She stared in disbelief and looked at her chest, there was a hole.

"What-how?!" she demanded, getting to her feet. Law put her heart in his jacket, and Ceaser seemed to think that this was a comedy show or something because he was laughing his bum off.

"With Law on my side I am unstoppable, SHORDODODODODOD" he laughed.

"Shut up your evil laugh is pathetic." she snapped at him, and he looked at her with a frown.

"Say the one who just got beaten in one move." Caesar taunted.

"Shut up! You didn't even fight me!" she snapped,"you had to get Law to fight for you!" Caesar stopped, being defeated by this comment and decided to leave it there."What are you gonna do now? Lock me up? Tie me to a chair? Put me in a room with poisonous gas?" she asked.

"Those all sound like wonderful ideas, and I need more test subjects anyways." He smiled and Shadehopper glared at him.

"We can lock her up, just put her in sunlight and she will be helpless." Monet told Caesar, coughing a bit of blood. Shadehopper glared at Monet.

"So all we need is to get some sunlight and she will be useless?" Caesar asked.

"That's right, and in normal light she is weaker as well, just make sure that she doesn't have access to shadows." Monet explained,

"You two!" Caesar pointed to two of his underlings,"take her to the prison cells and don't let her get close to any shadows, shine a light on her at all times!" the two underlings nodded and followed his orders.

They threw her into a cell and locked it behind them, she banged on the door. And was unsuccessful, these walls were tough, and turning into a dragon would cause more trouble for her than they would for others.

"DANG IT!" she yelled,"dang it... I won't be able to do anything like this. And with the call of the Shade Lord in use right now..." she was silent remembering what had happened a day ago, and why she was here.


Shadehopper was sitting and reading a book about how light works when she felt a sudden sensation like someone had just hit her. The feeling stayed for a moment and spread throughout her body and then became more bearable.oh no. Shadehopper felt her stomach plummet, the call of the Shade Lord. she thought with shock.

"Hey Hopper, is everything ok?" Henry asked, looking over his book about the law.

"..." she was silent trying to think of what to do, if she answered the call she would never see her friends again, but if she didn't answer it The Shade Lord and his forces would come after her and her friends."N-nothing is wrong." she lied not wanting him to worry.

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