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It's a new day right, right now I'm standing at the front of Royal Woods high

I feel so tired.

After coming back from school yesterday. I had the most stressful rehearsal and slept late.

As usual the stares and the waves follow as I walked through the school compound to the entrance of the school smiling to everyone

Charlotte and her minions approached me which cuts short my smile

Can't wait to see me as the top  of the class in geography. Charlotte says when they stopped”.

Immediately it dawned on me that I totally forgot. We did a geography test last week and Mrs. Smith told us we are going to collect our results today.

It suddenly felt like my heart was stabbed after hearing those words. I got nervous because I Know I'm gonna fail.

“Phoebe's still going to kick your ass and come out as the top of the class”.

Alice's voice pulls me out thoughts. She's always so supportive.

Alice pulls me towards class, and I kept thinking if I did well or not.

We walked into class, Cole was already there. He's an early person.

“Any problem Phoebe”, Cole said as we walked past him to our sits, I guess he saw the worried look my her face.

I nod in disagreement. Charlotte and her minions entered the class. As usual some people chat amongst themselves others giggled, and others read.

Normally I would either read or chat with Cole and Alice but I was lost in my thoughts, I don't know whether I'll pass or fail, will this ruin my chances of becoming an astronaut.

The door made a squeaky sound as Mrs. Johnson our average tall, blonde hair strict geography teacher walks in.

I cut my thoughts short to listen to her.

“Good morning students”, Mrs Johnson says as she walks around the class with our test scripts in her hands. She walked up to people's desk to hand them their paper.

She has already given a few people their scripts even Cole, Alice and Charlotte. I looked at Charlotte and Cole and they are smiling I guess they did well, Alice on the other hand never really show much emotions even if she passes on fails.

“Phoebe”. finally she walks up to me and handed me my script.

At first I was nervous to look at. After mustering courage I turned it over and saw a D+.

It felt like I was about to faint, I cannot believe my eyes I dropped grades from an A student to a D student

All classes passed by I couldn't concentrate. I skipped lunch because I have no appetite and plus I don't want Charlotte to tease me after Mrs. Johnson who decided to embarrassed the people that failed by calling their names, she has been giving me dirty little smirks. She must be so proud she passed me on a test.

Dad picked us up from school without saying a word about the test. So I'm guessing they don't know. My guess was wrong because after rehearsals, mum told me she was so disappointed that I dropped grades so much.

I sat upstairs on my study desk. Then my phone rang I looked at my phone, it was Cole starting a group video call.

A notification popped up, I took a look at it and it said, I have been selected to perform at the Blue Havens music festival.

A smile spread wide across my face.

Another video call came from Cole again, this time I joined.

“You got selected to sing at the Blue Havens music festival”.

They both said together with a smile on their faces

Yeah guys I got that part, received a notification. I replied.

“Charlotte most be so mad”.  I said and we all laughed.

After our little chat. The call ended, I rushed downstairs to tell everybody then went back up to study with excitement on my face. They is a little of fear and anxiety inside. 

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