flipping schoolproject!

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Once again, the teacher had given their students a project to which they had to finish before tuesday.

Gentar:"I was so excited for weekendddd"

Frostfire:"Same, but now we have to stay longer at school just to finish this damn project"

Sori:"Let's start now, I don’t want to stay too long at school ÒnÓ"

Frostfire, Gentar:"Okay"

Fifteen minutes into the project:

Frostfire:"I give up" *lay his head on the table*

Sori:"We haven't even done much yet"

Frostfire:"Exactly. I'm done. I don't understand anything"

Gentar:*get a text from Gempa* hm?

Gempa:"Why did you get a sudden project like this? I will call the school."

Gentar:"wait what!?" *immediately calls Gempa and go a bit further away from the group*

Gentar:"Don't call the school!"

Gempa:"A project shouldn't be given this sudden"

Gentar:"I'm only staying longer at school because I'm not done with it yet! Plus we wanted to get over with it before weekend"

Gempa:"Fine, but when are you coming home?"

Gentar:"Not sure"

Gempa:*not happy with that at all* Okay then, make sure to come home before it turns dark okay?"

Gentar:"Okay" *goes back to the others*

Sori:"What's wrong?"

Gentar:"Gemgem wanted to call the school"

Sori:*blink in confusion before trying to hold back his laugh*

Gentar:"Pain in having overprotective brothers be like"

Frostfire:"lucky you, mine wouldn't even care if I don't come home by 11p.m."

Gentar:"Life's hard"

Sori and Frostfire:*nods in agreement*

Thirty minutes later:

Gentar:"That's it. I'm done" *eats instead of working* "This is too hard"

Frostfire:"Right? I can't find a single information that we need"

Sori:"It can't be that hard" *didn't bring a phone, so he couldn't find information and was working on a diffrent part of the project*

Frostfire:"Fine, take it. Let's see how 'easy' it is" *happily gives him the phone and take a little break*

Gentar:'continue suffering it is' *in mind*

Another thirty minutes passed:

Frostfire:"And? Found anything?"

Sori:"no.." *hand him the phone* "you can have it back"

Frostfire:"Nuh uh. I ain't doing that part again"

Sori:"what about we do it together? The first part is done anyways"


Gentar:"Wait. How about I write the summary since we still have to do that, and the two of you search information for the second part. That way it will be faster"

Frostfire:"Fine by me"


Gentar:*hands Sori his phone and work on the summary* *in mind: 'yes! No more suffering for me!"*

During the next thirty minutes:

Frostfire:"I found war.."

Sori:"I found something about fish"


Sori:"Dunno :^"

Frostfire:"Pfft- there's a company called 'blue tomatoes'."

Gentar:*gets distracted* "wait, seriously?"


Sori:"Where? I wanna see!"

Gentar:*back to writing while the other two continue seatching*

Frostfire:"I found something about Shein?"

Sori:"ignore that"

Frostfire:"But I can't find anythingggg"

Sori:"Neither can I, continue"

Frostfire:*pout, but continues*

After fifteen minutes:

Sori:"I'm confused by confusion itself"

Frostfire:"I have a headache.."

Gentar:"I'm done!" *hands them the summary*

Frostfire and Sori:*Happily read it as an excuse to take a break*

Gentar:*happy that he hadn't need to suffer like them*

Another five minutes passed:

Gentar:*chilling since his work is done*

Sori and Frostfire:*visibly unmotivated*

Frostfire:"Nope, I'm done." *put the phone way*

Sori:"We can do it, just a bit more" *says unmotivated*

Frostfire:"You can do it. I can't"

Gentar:"Since it clears that we're not moving forward, how about I just send an email to our teacher?"

Frostfire:*immediately* "yes."

Sori:*nods and hand him the phone*

Gentar:*send an email to the teacher*

Sori:"What did you sent?"

Frostfire:*Distracted by the birds outside*

Gentar:"I basically said that we weren't moving forward and needed a help"

Sori:"Good, now let's go home!"

Frostfire:*attention shifted after hearing the word 'home'* "yes! Home!" *quickly packs his back*

And so, the three of them went home with the knowledge that they still have a project to finish, but they were so done that they didn't care anymore.

Inspired by ✨️real life✨️

School sucks 🥲

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