AU explaination for school

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The elemental siblings doesn't go to the same school but their school are next to each other

Normal school:
Gempa,blaze and thorn

Privat school:
Halilintar,Taufan,Ice and Solar

Ice and Solar skipped a grade

The siblings are all smart
Halilintar:smart in everything above average,could be a genius if he wanted to but he said it doesn't matter as long as he gets good grade

Taufan:average smart but he can speak and write in all languages fluently

Gempa:slightly above average smart and is a master in history(he could tell you any history that you want to know,he remembers all of them perfectly)

Blaze:actually pretty smart but he doesn't like it and just act dumb(If he wanted he could easily get 90% on his test),would even ask the teacher to change his score on the paper so it looked like he failed but his siblings know that he got a good grade since he always has a good report card

Ice:Is a genius like Solar,even though he doesn't pay attention in class he still gets 95%-100% on every test,the only subject he's bad in is sport because he is to lazy

Thorn:could be smart,he just need another type of teaching.He is a master in biology though.

Solar:Also a genius,score 100% in every test,99%is not good enough for him

Fun fact:
Gempa would sometime pay Ice to teach Blaze and Thorn or just motivate them to learn so they get a good grade(yes i wrote that Blaze is smart,I mean when he doesn't understand something)

Sorry if my english is bad,feeling free to correct me if i'm wrong somewhere ^^

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