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Even with Yichan' grunts and complains, HanByeol had followed him through the night to search for Eungyeol

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Even with Yichan' grunts and complains, HanByeol had followed him through the night to search for Eungyeol. There was suddenly a spark of hope in their saddened hearts when Yichan informed her about the call he had just recieved.

"They say he is with them" The female was skeptical due to the reward; that is money, which was being offered to whoever finds Ha Eungyeol, yet she trailed with Yichan as she only hoped for the best.

"My legs are killing me" Smalls pants left her lips as her energy was disspating little by little. Yichan wrapped his arms around her shoulders, supporting her weary form.

"Let's hope we find him" placing a small peck on her crown, Yichan motivated her with small talks and laughs as they hurried their way to the said location.

The teen felt a tug on his sleeve as he looked up to HanByeol whose eyes were narrowed at the sight ahead of them. It was dark with just a flickering light bulb hanging in the deserted alleyway. A bunch of college going boys, awaiting their arrival.

"Where is Ha Eungyeol?" Yichan pushed HanByeol behind him but the leader of the group had already caught on her presence. "What's a pretty girl doing here? Don't hide!" One of them whistled, the girl feeling uncomfortable with their lustful gazes.

"I ASKED YOU SOMETHING" Yichan pushed her further behind him, his shoulders bordering her small form. "WHERE IS HA EUNGYEOL?" The situation wasn't helping at all and Yichan couldn't hold in his anger.

"Don't you understand, punk? We lied to you!" With hands stuffed in his pocket, one of the male's inched closer to the duo. "Give us the money" His eyes trailed to HanByeol. "And the girl"

"In your dreams" Yichan held onto HanByeol's hand tightly and was about to head out but was stopped by the delinquents, circling around them. "Yichan-ah" The female couldn't handle any more physical pain than she already was suffering.

"Oh! You're glaring at me" The leader of the bunch, raised his fists to punch Yichan but the teenager didn't even bat his eyelashes. "What are you waiting for guys!?"

HanByeol didn't know when she was slammed against the wall or when the boys had surrounded Yichan and had begun beating him up. "HA YICHAN!!" The girl yelled in terror, staggering and wobbling her way towards the commotion.

"Where do you think you're going?" HanByeol screamed in pain as her hair was yanked back before she was once again slammed against the wall, blood now seeping through her head.

"Your little boyfriend is having fun" The leader spoke before grabbing onto HanByeol. "Let's have some fun too" Yichan tried getting out of their grip before anything bad could happen to HanByeol but he was being continuously abused by the remaining ones.

"NO" HanByeol screeched as the male started unbuttoning the uniform shirt she was wearing. Without another thought, raising her leg, HanByeol kicked the male in his groin. Her attacker immediately slumped down on the ground with a shaken up HanByeol sliding down the wall.

Yichan could feel his concious zooming out, his hands outstretched towards his bestfriend. With his eyes blinking and on the verge of closing, the last scene he witnessed was HanByeol getting bonked with a steel rod at the back of her head.



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