Chap. 11 (Thoughts)

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One of the foremost concerns that plagued Demon's thoughts was what Number truly thought of him now. Did Number think he was foolish for confessing his feelings? Did he see Demon as someone who was naive or lacking in intelligence? These questions gnawed at Demon's mind, causing him to doubt himself and his actions.

Another worry that consumed Demon was whether Number acknowledged his feelings. Did Number truly understand the depth of  Demon's emotions?  The uncertainty of  Number's perception left Demon feeling vulnerable and anxious.

The memory of the confession was replayed in Demon's mind, and he couldn't help but wonder if it had been weird or awkward. Did he say the right words? Did he express himself clearly? These doubts made Demon question if he had made a fool of himself, adding to his growing unease.

Lying there, lost in his thoughts, Demon's mind wandered to the possibility of Number avoiding him. Has his confession created an uncomfortable situation between them? Will Number intentionally keep his distance when he comes back?   The fear of being avoided or rejected by someone he cared about deeply weighed heavily on Demon's heart.

As the minutes turned into hours, Demon continued to ponder these thoughts. The uncertainty of whether Number liked him back or not consumed his every waking moment. The anticipation of a response, whether positive or negative, left him restless and unable to find peace.
And so, with a deep breath  as Demon closed his eyes and let go of his worries, he hoped for the best while reminding himself that time would reveal the answers he sought.

Demon got down from his bed to take a walk outside , After All he needed to clear his mind and needed something to be done today.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow across the landscape.  Demon knew this was his queue to take the walk.

 The air was crisp and carried the faint scent of blooming flowers, adding a touch of freshness to the atmosphere.Demon set off on a winding path that meandered through a lush meadow, its emerald green grass swaying gently in the breeze. The path was lined with tall, majestic trees, their branches reaching towards the sky like outstretched arms. The leaves rustled softly, creating a soothing melody that accompanied Demon's every step.uThe path gradually led Sarah to a small wooden bridge, arching gracefully over the brook. She paused for a moment, admiring the view.

With each step, Demon felt a renewed sense of peace and clarity. The walking path had not only offered a physical journey but also a mental and emotional one. It had provided a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, allowing him to immerse himself in the wonders of nature and find solace in its embrace. As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow across the horizon,  Demon reluctantly turned back, retracing his steps along the path. The memories of his walk would forever be etched in his mind, reminding him of the beautiful moments he and number had shared.

Number plopped on the bed beside  Rektway exhausted  and let out a huge sigh.

Rektway: was it really tiring?

Number: yeah, i din't realize how much work we had to do .

Number flopped over and stared into Rektways eye revolving him to smile but then, Again that feeling came, the one he had been trying to forget ...

In the depths of passion's fire,

Where love and jealousy conspire,

The Earth, once pristine, now in flames,

Consumed by secrets, whispered names.

Beneath the scarlet, raging skies,

Where hearts ignite and truth belies,

Destruction dances, with each step,

As unquenched flames their heat beget.

Oh, Earth, ensnared in love's cruel game,

Where embers dance, devouring, untamed,

In the inferno of desires entwined,

The tendrils of jealousy, unkind.

From smoldering wounds, the smoke ascends,

A testament to ill-fated blends,

The once lush fields now razed and scarred,

As love and jealousy duel, battle-hard.

But amidst the chaos, a flicker remains,

A remnant of hope where love sustains,

For in the ashes, love's phoenix springs,

With healing wings, it soars and sings.

Let wisdom guide the heart's pursuits,

With love as firm foundation, resolute,

May jealousy's flames be tamed to beacons,

That guide us toward unity, where love beckons.

Oh, Earth, reborn from ash and blaze,

Embrace the light, in love's eternal gaze,

Let forgiveness bloom, like flowers anew,

And heal the scars love's flames once drew.

For in the dance of love's eternal flame,

We find redemption, and we reclaim,

The beauty of a world, forever free,

From love and jealousy's treachery.

                                                                                                                   bye :)

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