Chap 6 ( I will always be by your side)

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Me : Hi


Characters: Hi

Their pov:Hi

umm... the thing when they are doing something: *dixie says Hi*

Average chapter

Spek: Am so excited ....

Funky: How do u think the new amusent park will be ?

Demon: i heard it really exciting and fun

Rektway: will get there in 10 mins


Demon: Number do you need anything?

Number: no am fine

Rektway : we are here

Demon,spek, funky and Rektway: WOAH

Rektway: come on  guy let s go have fun 

Funky, Demon and spek : YAY!!!

Numebr: yeah...have fun

The others went to play and have fun while Number decided to take a stroll around the whole park 

Number: woah this park is huge!

Number: i wonder what the others are doing they seem to be having fun...

Number's pov:  I wish they could join me , no number let them enjoy themselves they've worked hard all day  just wait till the fireworks it will be in 10 minutes.

7 minutes later...

xDemon: There you are Number!!!  

xDemon:I've been looking for u!

Number: really?

xDemon: yeah

NUmber: why though? 

Number:  why could just go have fun instead of just staying here ... with me  ... to take care of me...

xDemon: Number

xDEmon: it doesn't matter because...

XDemon: i will always be by your side * hugs Number*

The fireworks began the light shone on demon face as he said does precious words and hug him Number snuggled in hearing does words "I will always be by your side"

Number's pov: He will always be by my side ... Thanks Demon, Thanks a lot  i really needed that!

DemonSkull & other stories w/ his friends :3Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin