Chapter 3 ( sick and a chance) pt 1

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Ok just to  clarify  

Me : Hi


Characters: Hi

Their pov:Hi

umm... the thing when they are doing something: *Moti says Hi*

Yeah ok 

It was 4:00 am when the most terrible thing happened...

*spek calling Number*

Number: Hi


Number:so why are you calling?

Spek: idk to check on you ?

Number: are u worried about me?

Spek:.... No!? *totally not lying* 🤥

Number :oh well what are u doing at 4 am?

Spek:oh i just finished recording a vid !

Spek: Number..Number are you there?

Number: ughhh  *Says in wrying voice*


*spek calls rektway and the others*

Rektway: bro.. what i was getting ready to clap ur mom

Funky:Same Rektway!!

xDemon: ayo...

Spek: *in a panic voice* G...Guys N..umber..number

xDemon: Wait! what hapened to Number?!


Rektway: what am coming over!


Demon's pov:

What is going to happen to number ? is he going to be alright? hopefully he's alright...

Rektway  and the others drive's to Numbers house and break down the door because well no key and it was an emergency anyways   when they saw Number he was on the floor he's phone was 1 feet away from his face, his face in fact was as red as a tomato , he was gasping for breath .

Rektway: Funky call 911 , Spek get a wet towel, Demon get water for number to drink ! *Rektway said while kneeling next to number*

Spek and Demon : O....o...ok 😰

* funky calls 911*

*Demon and spek panics in the corner watching rektway place the wet towel on number's head and  trying to give number the water to drink*

Soon 911 arrives and take's number to the hospital !

At the Hospital

Doctor: patient's name?

Rektway: Numberskull

Doctor: so what happened ?

Spek: he fainted when i was on phone with him

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