𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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"Are you done yet love?" Seungcheol asked as he entered the big bathroom where Jeonghan was doing 'her' makeup. "Not yet." Jeonghan answered as 'she' focused on putting 'her' lashes on.

Seungcheol nodded as his response and hopped onto the bathroom counter as he watched Jeonghan do 'her' makeup. "Do you really think we'll be able to find these fairies?" Seungcheol asked as he fixed the sleeves of his jacket. Jeonghan put the makeup brush down and looked at him with a frown.

"Of course we will. It might take some tries, but we'll get them eventually." Jeonghan answered as 'she' made 'her' way in between Seungcheol's legs and squished the older's cheeks with 'her' hands. Seungcheol smiled—or tried to smile as he pulled Jeonghan closer and placed a kiss on 'her' forehead.

"Ready to go?" He spoked into the other's hair as he felt the other nodded 'her' head. "Let's go then." Seungcheol said as he hopped off the counter and headed for the door. "Wait!" Jeonghan suddenly exclaimed as 'she' pulled Seungcheol to the full body mirror, fixed 'her' tube top and took out 'her' phone; opening the camera app.

"We need a picture." Seungcheol shook his head, but nevertheless posed so Jeonghan could take a few photos of them. "Okay, now we can go." Jeonghan answered as they exited their room and down the stairs.

"Finally." Jisoo exclaimed as 'she' stood up from 'her' spot on the couch. Jeonghan just rolled 'her' eyes at 'her' best friend's words. "Are we ready to go?" Wonwoo asked as 'she's stood up from 'her' spot on the couch. The rest nod and headed out to their cars, each couple getting into a car.

They drive down to the bar they were at and found parking spots next to each other. They entered the bar where loud music could be heard, sweaty bodies dancing on each other, and people drinking was everywhere. "Alright, what now?" Jihoon asked as 'she' held Soonyoung's hand.

"Wanna dance?" Soonyoung asked as he looked down towards the other. "Not now Soons, we have a mission to do." Jihoon answered as 'she' patted the other's arm. Soonyoung nodded as he looked towards the other. "Hyuk said that most of these things hang around where the drinks are at." Wonwoo answered as 'she' glanced at the others.

"So let's find a table, order some drinks and keep an eye out for them." Seokmin stated with a shrug. "If only it was that easy love. They look like normal people, they can be any of these people." Jisoo answered as he wrapped 'her' arm around Seokmin's.

"Let's do the first two then and go on from there." Junhui said as he wrapped his arm around Minghao's waist and started to look for a table. The rest looked at each other before following the Chinese couple.

"I feel like we're a group of spies on a mission." Jeonghan said with a giggle as Seungcheol pulled 'her' onto his lap. "Might as well be." Seungkwan stated as he took a glass of champagne and a beer for Hansol and 'herself'.

"Don't get too drunk guys or else it'll be useless trying to find these Pherenians." Seungcheol said as he took a beer in his hands. The rest nodded as they continued to drink.


They obviously didn't listen to Seungcheol's words because the next thing you know Soonyoung was dragging Jihoon to the dance floor to dance, Mingyu and Seokmin was speaking gibberish, Seungkwan was practically yelling the lyrics to each song that came on at Hansol.

Jisoo was watching in silence as 'her' boyfriend was having the time of his life, Jeonghan was being more clingy than 'she's usually is. Wonwoo was laughing his ass off for no reason. And then Junhui and Minghao joined the other two on the dance floor where the two couples had a dance battle that caught the attention of others who were on the dance floor.

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