𝑆𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟

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This chapter is no way related to the plot at current. The bottoms will be the original for this chapter but only for this chapter at current.


"Mingyu if your tree self don't cook faster I swear to Irene I will kill you with a spatula." Jeonghan threatened as he rushed around the house, trying to keep everyone in check. "Hannie, hun. Why don't you take a little break?" Seungcheol said in a calming voice as he tried to relax the other. "And let everything go into shit? No! It's my baby's birthday and I want it to be pretty for him." Jeonghan sternly stated as he rushed up the stairs to check on the mention male.

"Channie~" Jeonghan sing-song as he entered the younger's room to see the younger cuddled up in the comforts of his bed or so Jeonghan thought. Upon arriving in front of the bed, Jeonghan shook what he thought was Chan but once he didn't get a response he threw the blankets off to see three pillows shaped to look like a body. "That little.....he learned from the best." Jeonghan said with a proud smile as he did a hair flip and exited the room and back down the stairs to yell at whoever is doing a shitty job.

As for the younger's whereabouts, he was currently hanging out in his favorite place (other then his bed) Manase Cafe.

"Happy birthday Dino!" Lia exclaimed as she brought over a tray of freshly made pancakes and apple juice, setting it down on the table Chan was sat at. Chan smiled at the younger and happily ate his pancakes, "see this is why you're my best friend." He said through a mouthful and a toothy grin. "No talking with food in your mouth!" Lia scolded the other with a light smack to the shoulder and a fond smile. "I wonder what the others have plan for you?" Lia wondered as she sat across the other once she grabbed her latter.

"Probably nothing. None of them came and wake me up." Chan grumbled as he looked outside with a pout. "Don't say such things. I bet they have something planned and they didn't want to wake you up just yet." Lia inquired with confidence since the older was lacking just a bit of it. Chan just sighed as he continued to eat. Lia just clicked her tongue and looked towards her phone to see a message she was hoping for.

Devil in disguise
Dino with you, right?

Little girl chan knows
Of course he is
He loves me to much to not come over here

Devil in disguise

Yeah, yeah
I just wanted to know if my child is safe
Bring him back by five

Jeonghan sighed with relief once Lia did confirm that Chan was with her. "He's okay?" Jisoo asked with anticipation, nervously playing with his fingers. Jeonghan nod with a short 'yeah' before they went back to hanging a 'Happy Birthday' banger on one wall, Jisoo releasing a sigh he didn't know he was holding. At current, we have the three oldest working on decorating (Seungcheol getting himself caught in the streamers somehow), Mingyu and Wonwoo working on the food, and the rest working on the backyard.

"Kwon Soonyoung if you don't be careful with that I'm personally killing you!" Jihoon yells at his boyfriend as he slowly made his way over to him to save his precious set up that's provided for the music. Soonyoung just stood by and watched deciding its best to be moral support. "Vern honey, I don't think that's how a chair goes." Seungkwan said with concern in his voice as he watched Hansol tried unfolding a chair he has been working on for a good ten minutes. Seungkwan sigh and shook his head as he went to help his clueless boyfriend.

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