Until Eternity Ends

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Lan Wangji was the prodigie of the Lan Sect, one of it's precious jades, someone who knew the precepts of his ancestors by heart. In fact as a child he had spent many hours reciteing them. That was why he was absolutely certain he was breaking at least seven of those rules currently, most involving the invasion of another's privacy... the last having to do with the fact that he was technically running.

'But that is something that can not be helped',..
Or at least that was what Lan Wangji was telling himself. He was only following Wei Ying out of concern for his heath.

The day Lan Wangji and Jiang Wanyin had found Wei Wuxian, he had been all to thin and deathly pale. In the months since his return his condition had barely improved and in the recent days it seemed to have worsened. Which was why when Lan Wangji saw Wei Ying running into the forest outside of camp, he could not help but follow.


By the time Lan Wangji caught up with Wei Wuxian, he was clinging to the side of a tree gaging and coughing up the small amount of food Lan Wangji had seen him eat that night. The thought flashed in his mind that this was likely an effect of the other's use of resentment, but he shook it off. Wei Ying's health was more important right now and he could not afford to fight with him if he had taken ill.

"Wei Ying."

Lan Wangji voice seemed to startle the other as he jumped backwards stumbling. Wei Wuxian would have crumbled to the ground completely had Lan Wangji not rushed forward to catch him.

"Lan zhan..?"

Wei Wuxian was freezing to the touch and his eyes unfocused in a way that reminded Lan Wangji all to keenly of his fever after their fight with the Xuanwu of Slaughter. It was worse than he had thought,..

"Wei Ying... "

"Lan Zhan your so.. warm."

The younger seemed almost dazed by their contact. It was almost ironic considering how he had acted in the past.


Lan Wangji adjusted the other in his arms as he made to stand, he would take Wei Ying to the healers immediately. However as he made to transfer him some of his spiritual energy he froze. Dread suddenly coursed through his veins, thoughts filling his mind were almost to much to bear.

'Was I to late?'

He felt sick... had his inability to express himself... Had he let his beloved ruin himself in his- it took everything in Lan Wangji to look down.

"Wei.. Ying"

But Wei Ying was staring back at him, mercury eyes watched Lan Wangji with the same emotions he felt. Then suddenly everything made a terrible sort of sense. Wei Ying had always been so sure he could pay any price that would come his new cultivation... but how could one be so sure..how could he be so sure unless... the price had already been paid.

"Hey Lan Zhan... can you put me down?"

Lan Wangji nodded and did as he was asked his mind realing.

"Wei Ying .. wha-"

The sentence stuck in his throat. In response Wei Wuxian let out a somewhat bitter laugh one hand coming up to rub his arm.

"I think you already know the answer to that, Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji felt his heart sink, he didn't want to believe it, but how could he not when the proof was so obvious, so blaringly right infront of him in the shape of his beloved.

"Wei Ying"

There was a almost relived look on Wei Wuxian face. His grey eyes flickered over him, gauging him as he spoke.

Story and plot ideas Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ