the escapade

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Months passed by since Timmy Turner found his own redemption: the rainy roads, the teenage couple that he created with his wishes... But most importantly, a new point of view of his magic and its effects.

Chip Skylark recently dropped a new song: the song was called Scooby Doo and It talked about personal loss, especially if the lost one Is a part of your family or someone you married. Timmy Turner was feeling down for the previous year and while he was singing, his lyrics became something like:"I wish I could visit the rainy streets from last year". While Wanda was scared and unsure about her possible actions, Cosmo did the reckless: he waved his magic wand and Timmy was pulled away and took in the same streets from last year, but something was wrong...

The streets were empty and a Song was heard, alongside a thousands of laments. Timmy went to the source of the noises and what he saw was shocking: It was a funeral and the song was Hallelujah by Alexandra Burke. Timmy went next to the coffin, he was speechless: It was Denise, the reckless teenager he gave life with his wishes... Timmy Turner felt guilty for letting her  after what he Just did. Then Timmy started to sing: 🎵Well It goes like this, the fourth the fifth...
The minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composed Hallelujah🎵

All of sudden, Denise opened her eyes and everyone was in shock and they were all like: "Did Timmy Turner Just brought her to Life with his singing skills?" But there was something that nobody knew: It was not Just the Song itself, but from the deep of Timmy Turner's heart there was a wish...

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