28. Watched from a distance

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We won.

Despite one of our midfielders getting benched within the first twenty minutes, we were able to defeat Santa Monica High in tonight's game.

The adrenaline still hasn't worn off by the time I get back to the girl's locker room.

Tonight's game was a tough one because Santa Monica High as a team is a beast. Their synchronization and agility are admirable, so we're on cloud nine to have beaten them.

I don't bother changing out of my kit or taking a shower and throw on my jacket and sneakers, chucking my cleats into my bag as I make my way out of the building.

Some of the team catches me on my way out, talking about a party tonight as we make our way into the parking lot.

My chance of going to a party tonight is slim. Recently, my brothers have tightened up security around the house and on me. They've started taking me to and picking me up from school or anywhere I go.

The tensions around the house have risen, too, and it has nothing to do with the Viper's being there. I asked my brothers at dinner a few nights ago, but after looking at each other, they brushed off my questions, saying everything was fine.

So I dropped it.

"See you Monday, East," Cooper patted my back as he and Will bid their goodbyes and headed off, presumably to get ready for the party.

I searched the parking lot for Damien's car, but it wasn't here yet, so I presume he was just running behind or forgot what time the game ended.

In my adrenaline-fazed rush to get out of the locker room, I didn't tie my shoelaces. Bending down to tie them, the mid-October breeze rushes past me and crawls down my spine. But that doesn't feel like the only thing that crawls over my skin.

Continuing to tie my lace, I glance around the partially empty parking lot, trying to search for someone, whoever eyes I can feel watching me.

There's no one, but I can feel someone watching me. Someone hidden.

There are lot's of places to hide in the dark around here. Across the street among the large oak trees. Towards the back of the parking lot where the street lights don't completely reach.

I stand up and stretch my neck, hoping that I'm just imagining this feeling, that I've just drank too many energy drinks today and it's taking effect. That I won't see a figure standing by the oak trees or in the distance.

I'm too engrossed in staring across the street, at those big large oak trees that are in complete darkness, only their shadow, sure that I saw movement that I don't realize there's footsteps behind me until a hand clamps down on my shoulder.

I make a sound caught between a yelp and a gasp as I whirl around, ready to put to use those self-defense lessons Damien gave me, fist raised, until I see that it's Damien and a breath of relief escapes me.

"Oh, it's you." I'm breathing hard as I lower my fist and tighten my hold on my bag.

Damien gives me a strange look. "Who did you think it would be?"

"No one," I quickly say with a smile. "Let's go." We walk towards his car, and I sneakily glance behind me, towards the trees, but there's nothing there except darkness and shadows.

I chose not to say anything to Damien about what I might have seen, deciding not to worry him with a feeling someone was watching me. Instead, I choose to blame it on the lack of sleep last night and the multiple energy drinks I had throughout the day.

The house is fully alive when we get home, and Damien quickly kisses my forehead before returning to a meeting in his office with Killian, having left him in there to pick me up.

Zach and Seb were in the living room, sitting around with some people - Vipers - and I caught some bits of the conversation, "plan...combat...fight...weapons," so I walked past and carried on to the kitchen, my stomach suddenly growling at me.

I'm in the middle of making a sandwich when someone walks into the kitchen, their heels clicking against the marble.

"Easton, hey!" Natalie, Viper and Kaleb's friend, saunters into the kitchen. She beams a smile at me, and I can't help but return it. I can't help but wonder how the hell she's a Viper, either. Her bubble-gum pink braids and gorgeous features don't scream 'Gang Member.'

"Hi," I smile, putting the finishing touches to my sandwich; a few Cheetos to add crunch.

"I've been meaning to talk to you," Natalie says, leaning against the island, across from me.

I raise a suspicious eyebrow. "You have?" I ask, cutting my sandwich in half.

"Don't look too weary, I'm not going to murder you," she laughs, the sound musical. "Your brothers mentioned that you are going to the annual Viper ball, and I wondered if you'd found anything to wear?"

About a week ago Damien told me that I would be going with them to the ball, so he knew where I was, so he could keep an eye on me. What he thinks I'm going to do, I have no idea, but there was no room for argument. It was an order.

"Oh, uh...Nope, not yet. I haven't had time, but I'll probably just order something online. Shopping gives me a headache." Especially when it's with Sebastian. He's the worst to go shopping with since he has a very strong opinion.

The last time he took my shopping we ended up arguing in the middle of the store because he said I was too young for a bikini and orange wasn't my colour. I threw a flip-flop at him and the manager asked us to leave.

"Oh, Honey," Natalie giggled as she sat on a stool. "Online shopping won't do for this type of event. We go all out for this ball. I'm talking floor-length gowns, three-piece suits, hair covered in hair spray to the point of suffocation."

I internally groaned. Really? Damien couldn't have told me that?

"Lucky for you," Natalie continued with a grin that made me nervous for her next words. "I am the perfect woman to help you shop!" Her icy blue eyes had an excited expression, her grin showing off her perfectly white teeth.

It's a miracle the boys get anything done around her. She is the epitome of drop-dead gorgeous. I wonder if Kaleb thinks so. I wonder if he's ever considered dating Natalie, maybe he has, but I don't know his past.

That thought sends shivers down my spine. I don't know much about Kaleb's past, barely anything. Yes, he told me a little bit about his mother, but what about his ex-relationships? He's probably used to girls who are experienced. Girls who look like Natalie.

"So," Natalie's light-hearted voice pulls me back to the present. "How about tomorrow? Me, you, shopping, gossiping, girl talk, all that fun stuff." The smile she gives me, the one full of hope and excitement makes it hard for me to say no.

"Sure," I sigh, pasting on a smile. "Why not?"

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