Chapter 3 - The Trip

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A week later, Nyx and Sol had explained a lot of things to me about the academy, I had packed so much stuff, whether it was stuff that I needed or just wanted. The training of my companions was also going well, I never knew how quickly they grew though, luckily they were trained enough for me to bring them to the academy. I had named the dragon Reaper, he had black scales and crimson red eyes, and I named the griffin Leoncico as he just looked like a little lion with a beak and a feathery mane. Reaper and Leoncico quickly became friends. Reaper likes to take my gemstones though. He and Leoncico liked shiny things; using that I trained them to expect awards for good behavior. I was lying on my bed reading a spell book as usual when I saw my bracelet blink, I quickly got up and ran downstairs to the entrance hall, to see Arthur with his belongings, " Hey! I wasn't expecting you!" I said as I hugged him as usual, " Yeah, I just thought it would be nice if we took the carriage there together. " He smiled as he pulled his trunks inside. " Yes! Good idea Artie. " I said as I tousled his hair. He grabbed my waist and pulled me close, I blushed and was surprised, he then put his head on my shoulder and hugged me. " I missed you." I chuckled and hugged him back tightly, " Agreed, it's been like a whole week. " I said as he let me go. Just then his two companions rolled in and made us stumble as they knocked into us while they continued play fighting. He hovered over me and asked if I was okay i said yes as he helped me up. " Your companions look smaller than mine," I said as I watched them play fight. " Ah it's because they are females, I named the dragon Ember and the griffin Winter. " I called for Reaper and Leoncico after telling Arthur what I named mine. " Have you done the spell where you can hear what they say? " Arthur asked me, "Yeah, I'm gonna go to the book so I can do it on your companions too. " I said as I was about to walk away, " No need I have it written right here. " He said as he pulled out a piece of paper. My companions arrived and we did the spell on each other's companions. It seemed like the gals had kept trying to get to know my boys, but they were so cold to them. " Jeez you boys are so uptight, just have some fun before we have to go to the academy okay? " I said to them, they both looked at me and sighed. They agreed and took the gals outside so they wouldn't break anything, and then Nyx and Sol came out. 

  Nyx and Sol had walked up to us, " Oi, Astor go get your trunks and bags, the flying carriages will be here soon. " Sol said as he released his trunks and cases from his spell. " Ahh Little Imp, nice of you to join us, here for the flying carriages I see. " Nyx said as he put his arm over Arthur. "Yeah, so we could all arrive together instead of me having to look for you guys. " He said as he moved Nyx's arm off him. I told them I'd be back shortly and quickly packed the rest of my books and my companion's things and cast the levitation spell to quickly carry my stuff downstairs. As I got downstairs it looked as if they were all waiting, Nyx and Sol put their stuff in the carriage as soon as I was in sight, Arthur waited for me. " Thanks for waiting for me, Artie, let's go. " I said as I grabbed his hand and cast the levitation spell on his trunks and bags. We all got settled in as the carriage took off, Nyx said it would take about a day to get there if the ride wasn't interrupted by anything unexpected. As the ride progressed we saw many other carriages flying up towards ours, like a flock of birds in unison. Everyone had fallen asleep in the carriage, Nyx and Sol back faced one another asleep in the middle of the seat while I sat up, Arthur rested on my lap, and I braided his hair, they were short but they looked cute on him. I looked down at him caressing his head, noticing myself to feel warm with him. I continued looking out the window of the carriage, and I noticed a group of guys maybe a bit older than me in one of the carriages across from us, from what I could see they were very handsome, and such diverse friends, but glad to know I wasn't alone in having a demon friend as an elf. Although it was strange to see an elf at our age with such short hair. He must've cut it, it's always so sad to hear that an elf has a vain connection with their family. There were more than just an elf and demon, the others included a vampire and a more human-looking dragonborn. They must be misfits, I wonder if I will see them at the academy. The vampire looked out the window towards me all of a sudden, I quickly looked away trying not to seem like a creep. Moments later I returned my gaze towards their carriage only to see the vampire outside mine. " AH- " He covered my mouth. " Sh Sh Sh, little elf. I don't want to wake your other passengers. " He said as he looked at Arthur and my brothers. " you scared me, you idiot.." I said in a whisper. 

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