We fall silent and turn as footsteps approach from behind, Sienna strides toward us with determination, her shoulders squared, and a defiant look in her eyes. Selina is out of sight with my sons, which worries me a bit, those little rascals with their pranks could easily drive Selina crazy. Sienna doesn't spare a glance at my brother, stopping in front of me.

"I've got to go, I've got an appointment," she says, no, she informs me from the look in her eyes and her posture. "No way," growls Sasha, taking a step towards her, Sienna takes a deep breath, continuing to ignore him, her eyes fixed on mine.

"I don't think it was a question, moy brat," I say with a smirk. "Indeed, it wasn't. I'm just informing you, and I hope you'll look after my sister until I return" she says before stepping back, ready to leave. Sasha grabs her arm, pulling her towards him, lowering his face close to hers.

"I said no way," he says, jaw clenched, his gaze dark. "And I said it wasn't a question. Plus, you don't get to give me orders," she retorts, gripping my brother's wrist, trying to loosen his grip, but it has the opposite effect. He seizes her other arm, almost lifting her onto the tips of her toes. I tense slightly in case I need to intervene, I know Sasha won't harm a woman, especially not this one, considering the guilt that has consumed him for the past two days. However, if there's one thing I've learned about Sienna Floros in recent days, she's a real spitfire with the same talent as Roman to push Sasha's buttons, but amplified a thousandfold.

"Don't push me, woman. You'll stay here, where you're safe," Sasha warns. "It's not for you to decide, and I don't even see what you're doing here! Your brother seems competent enough to ensure our safety..."

"To be honest..." I interrupt their squabble, placing my hand on my brother's tense shoulder and looking down at Sienna. "I'll only ensure the safety of your sister and your nephew. As for you, I entrust you to my brother. Without offending you, Sienna, you're a bit of a troublemaker for my patience, and I'm afraid I might be the one endangering your safety." She looks at me, mouth agape, thoroughly offended. Great.

Her eyes dart between my brother and me before her face closes off completely. Her gaze reflects nothing, and for the first time since I met this woman, I find her dangerous; the ability to erase her emotions like that is not an ordinary thing.

Disturbed by this sudden change, Sasha releases her, his gaze analyzing her face. "Sienna..." he begins in a softer voice than I've ever heard him use, reserved only for Elif and his nephews. "I... I'll go rest; I feel tired," she says as she steps back again. "I'll ask for something to eat for you..." Sasha starts to say, about to follow her, but she vigorously shakes her head. "No, I'll lie down for a bit; I'll be fine," she replies weakly, turning slowly back inside.

We watch her walk inside, closing the door behind her. "Damn it!" my brother curses, fists clenched. "You should have stopped me; I mistreated her, again," he says, turning away, a hand running through his hair. "Ah, now I have to control you too?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. He sighs, glancing towards the house, hesitating to follow her. "Calm down, Sasha. You didn't hurt her. She's much stronger than she appears. And it's not like you've never tortured or killed a woman. Where does this sudden kindness come from?"

He doesn't answer me, staring at the house for a few more seconds before turning away to head towards the gardens, he takes out a cigarette, lighting it as he moves away. I sigh, not knowing where to turn my attention – to Roman, Sasha, or the Italians? But all that comes to my mind is the face of a woman with dark green eyes in which vulnerability dances but also an immeasurable strength.


"I don't understand anything!" grumbles Mikhail, dropping his head back, arms raised to the sky, which makes me smile. "But it's easy; you just need to understand the basics, and it'll be fine," I say, handing another colored pencil to Alexei, who stares at his coloring book with utmost concentration. Andrei and Rafael are much less meticulous, but it's not surprising since they can't stop laughing and teasing each other.

The Last HopeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon