Your mine

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Sana POV

I couldn't move, it felt like my body had frozen on the inside. I could taste the red liquid from her face dripping onto my lips as her now glowing eyes stared at ripping right through my soul. I could feel my eyes water and sweat now forming on my head. I mean what could I do! She don't even know. But before I could think anymore my eyes fell drooped before passing out without another thought in my mind.

(Hours and hours later)

My eyes started to flicker open as I gasped wide awake and sat up on what seemed to be a bed, a hospital bed at most. I looked left and right reasling I was correct i was now in a hospital, I swung my legs to the side and wanted to try stand but before I could I let out a little groan and held the side of my neck with my hand feeling that area patched up in what I think white bandges. Just as I was about to stand again the door that was infront of me swang open and a crying girl ran in tackling me back down in the bed with a hug.

"YOU IDIOT! WE THOUGHT YOU DIED!!" The girl cried while hugging me tightly which let a smile rise on my lips. I pat her raven black hair and sat up with her still hugging me before she finally backed up and stood to the side revealing my boss who I could tell was also on the verge of tears haha..

"How do you feel now sana?" The raven haired girl said.

"Im alright mina...but why does my neck hurt? Its like a stinging pain.."

"Im not sure...but when the police came and saw you unconscious they described it as a bite mark-"

"A FUCKING BITE MARK?!" I shouted out loud which hurt my neck more but I was now afraid, I mean what do you mean I was bit on my neck. I tried to think of how this could happen but my thoughts from last night where all a blur. I sighed and got up from the bed a little pain before seeing the doctor so they could release me.

Jihyo POV

I waved my goodbyes seeing mina take sana back to her house by car, mina now would be taking care of sana hopefully. I leant against the outside wall of the hospital and grabbed a cigarette from my pocket before lighting and taking a puff, I couldn't believe what I heard and the fact sana dosent even remember who it was and how it happend annoys me. I finished the fag and flicked it to the floor before leaving untill I was blocked by someones body and fell back onto my ass.

"What the fuck dude watch where your-" My words were cut of as I realised who it was. The new girl that I hired for the club, tzuyu I believe her name was.

"Sorry boss,I came here to ask a question." Her tone was weirdly cold sending shivers down my body.

"Howed you even find...ugh whatever so what did you want?" I gave her a little smile and listened in.

"Sana,where is Minatozaki sana." It sounded like she was angry which confused me after hearing her question I was about to reply but something told me not to...but why.

"Ah sorry Tzuyu have no idea!" I gave an akward chuckle finally getting of the ground and walking past her trying to give a friendly impression. After I knew i was past her i ran for it, unlocking my car and driving of. Why was I so panicked?! I mean she's my worker..but I felt unsafe.

Tzuyu POV

I let a soft groan slip my lips as I sat myself down against the wall where my boss ad just been, why did she do that? I mean I guess we're not the closest but to lie to my face. Feeling heat rise in my hands I elbowed the wall behind me leaving a little crack, but before I could continue to think of how cruel that was by my boss I was interuppted by 3 guys. Great.

"Ha whats a hotty like you sitting on such muddy ground hm?" One of the guys said I lowered my head and ignored them before I was grabbed and pulled up now surrounded by them.

"Aw come on let's have a little bit shall we?"...

Was the last words they said...I chuckled, the now dismembered bodies being chucked into the huge green bin just near by making sure there was a blood trail. Licking my face clean and fingers i covered myself with a black cloak before leaving. Just to make the scene more disturbing I left one of the detached arms hanging outside the bin, how beautiful.

After a short while I returned home and went inside sitting down on my leather couch before picking up my phonena calling someone.


"Have you located where she is?"

"Yes, but now I want my reward...GOT IT?" The womens tone rose

"Yes...dahyun. Ill lure her out back and she can be all yours. She's not even a fight if you think about it."

With that i ended the call and relaxed back my legs crossed on the stall infront of me sitting back and taking a sip from the wine bottle I had opend the days before. With a soft smile of pleasure on my lips I closed my eyes and rested my head back.

"My dear sana,your mine~"

(End of this part! Next one soon)

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