18 - Christopher Park

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The group had just finished working on homework at the bakery when Riley said, "Explode! If you're going to explode, explode!" to Maya.

Maya was checking her nails as Riley continued, "Just do it! I can't wait!"

Next to her was Farkle, who began to rumble.

"What are you doing?" Maya asked as Farkle was rumbling in his seat.

In a horrible British accent, Lucas said, "Mount Farkleuvius has awoken in all its bubbling glory."

Lucas had moments where he was funny, but it was rare in Ellie's opinion.

She never really understood what Riley ever saw in Lucas.

He was an average-looking guy who played baseball. That was about it. What was so special about him?

Lucas gave off friend energy, not someone to date.

"What is that?" Farkle asked.

"That was my fancy British guy, Mortimer," Lucas said.

Riley laughed.

Lucas's British accent was funny, but not laugh out loud funny. At most, it deserved a chuckle.

"Sounds like you're eating meatloaf," Farkle said.

"Meatloaf," Lucas repeated in the horrible British accent.

"Okay, thing number two hundred and eleven, he can't do accents," Farkle said.

"You've been keeping a list of things he can't do?" Charlie asked, almost amused.

Farkle smiled.

"Oh, but it's so charming when he can't do things," Riley said.

"He's a face! He's just a face! What's the matter with you?" Farkle demanded.

"Mount Farkleovius sends two billion tons of burning lava straight into the air," Lucas said, still in the accent.

Farkle imitated a sputtering.

"And right back down on his head," Lucas finished.

Riley giggled.

"Why?" Ellie and Farkle asked at the same time.

"Because you insulted Mortimer!" Lucas said.

"What's his last name?" Farkle asked.

"Twiggle - bottom smythe," Lucas said.

"Really?" Ellie said. "That's the best you could come up with?"

Lucas gave her a look as Riley burst out laughing.

Ellie couldn't help but smile. Farkle smiled as well.

Ellie and Charlie shared a look as Farkle gave in.

"Okay, fine, I'll do it," he said.

He sputtered and pretended to be in pain from the lava.

Maya silently watched from her seat, which Ellie thought was weird.

"Maya, what's going on with you?" Justin asked.

"It's like I don't have a role here anymore," Maya said as she stood up from her seat. "Riley the Sweet, Farkle the Genius, Lucas the Good, Ellie the Actress, Charlie the Athlete and Justin the Director -"

"Ugh, I thought that was gone," Lucas said.

"It's not gone, I'm gone," Maya said. "I'm the one that's gone."

Maya was having a full-blown identity crisis, and Ellie didn't know how to help.

Ellie was struggle on her own already. 

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