14 - School Bathroom

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Ellie went to her Honors English class.

She shared the class with Jenna and Farkle. 

Ellie loved her English class. 

When Ellie was doing online school, she always thought that her English was all alright. She thought all of her classes as alright. She didn't mind her classes at all.

As soon as she started normal school, she began to realize what classes she enjoyed and which ones she did not like.

She loved English. She liked History. She hated science. She liked math. Her electives... she was taking Drama, which was excelling, she liked art and creative writing. 

PE was exhausting. If she could drop the class, she would.

"Alright, class," Mrs. Chase said, starting the lesson.

Mrs. Chase told them that they would be going over the chapters they had to read for homework and get into groups to work on a worksheet.

They spent the first fifteen minutes going over the chapters as a class before getting into groups.

As soon as she told the class to get into groups, almost everyone turned to Ellie, wanting to work with her.

"Ellie, come work with us."

"Ellie, let's work together."

"Come over here, Ellie."

"Wanna work together, Ellie?"

"Ellie!" Mrs. Chase called. 

Mrs. Chase nodded her head to come over.

Ellie grabbed her papers and pen and rushed over to her teacher.

Mrs. Chase just sat down at her desk.

"Was there anyone you wanted to work with?" Mrs. Chase asked.

"Justin," Ellie immediately said.

At that moment, Justin had walked over.

"Can I work with Ellie, Mrs. Chase?" Justin asked.

"Yes," Mrs. Chase said.

"And can Farkle work with us?" Justin asked.


"Sure," Ellie said.

"Farkle!" Mrs. Chase called.

Farkle looked over and got up. He walked over to the desk.


"Would you like to work with Ellie and Justin?" Mrs. Chase asked.

"Yeah, sure," Farkle smiled.

"How about Smackle?" Justin asked.

"Oh," Farkle glanced back, his smile disappearing, "she's working with Allison and Mikey."

That's weird. Farkle and Smackle always work together.

"Alright," Mrs. Chase said, "you have thirty minutes to work on the assignment."

Ellie, Justin and Farkle went to work.

They sat around Ellie's desk as they worked.

Justin sat next to Ellie and Farkle sat in front of her.

Farkle read the first question.

They were reading Romeo and Juliet in class.

Ellie was able to answer each question with no hesitation at every question.

Two Ghosts [Farkle Minkus]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ