Episode 16: Kill the Religious Organization

Start from the beginning

Bulat: Asking a woman about her age is rude, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: But at one point, you even discussed her weight, Bro...

Bulat: What are you talking about?

He says as Susanoo comes in room with grilled mushroom.

Susanoo: The meal is ready.

He says as Akame was helping Tatsumi get up she just abandoms him.

Najenda: It's a bit sudden, but we'll discuss our strategy after the meal. The time is near. We, the Revolutionary Army, will take out next step to overthrow the corrupt government!

Y/n: So that time has come. Bring it on fate this time i'll change it.

He says with flaming eye unnoticed to everyone.

He says with flaming eye unnoticed to everyone

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Episode 15: Kill the Religious Organization.

Camera now switches to the forest near the capital as Seryu is interogeting bandits.

Bandit: W-We don't belong to Night Raid!

Bandit2: We're just stealing because we're having trouble finding food! We haven't even killed anyone!

Seryu: You admit to theft? Once evil is tainted you, death is the only solution. Coro, eat!

She says as Coro eats two bandits as camera then shows that one of eye is completely red.

Bandit: P-Please wait! They threatened me, and forced me to help! I can prove it to you! Please give me a fair trial!

Seryu: Even still, you helped. A sin is a sin. You aren't worthy troubling the captain or her superiors. I shall pass judgment on evil, here and now!

She says as Coro bites her hand and she pulls out blade.

Seryu: Justice is served.

She says killing last bandit as then the eye turns back to normal as Seryu grabs her head.

Seryu: What happened? Oh right we were chasing badits but i lost control. I don't have much time anymore before i lose control to that mind device. I just hope when I'll lose control i won't kill y/n.

She thinks as Wave comes her way.

Wave: Hey, Seryu! What happened to the bandits we captured?

Seryu: They aren't here anymore!

She says but Wave spots blood on Coro mouth as he grabs her shoulder.

Wave: Wait. You killed those bandits, didn't you? As Jeagers, we may have special privileges, but there are things we can and can't do---

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