Out of the Dark...Just to be Pulled Back In

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Authors Note: Hi guys! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! I will not be releasing any new chapters in the upcoming months as I want to focus on editing a bit more. None of the photos are mine and are from google. Kim Yong-sun (Solar) as the Second Great Star, Jessica Alba as the third, Amy Adams as the fourth, Yaya Dacosta as the fifth, young Dakota Fanning as young Celestia Andromeda, and of course, Amanda Seyfried as Celestia the adult Sixth Great Star. If there are any questions or suggestions about my books, please let me know! 

Celestia swore that she got her vision back for just a moment when the Doctor pulled out the power cell and used it against the cybermen, disintegrating the one in front of them while stunting the others. 

"What the hell was that?" Ricky demanded, his hands still up with confusion as he watched the cyberman disintegrate into tiny pieces.

"We'll have that instead. Run!" the Doctor shouted at him before taking ahold of Celestia's hand once they all heard beeping from a car's horn. 

"Everybody, in!" a woman's voice yelled at them once she pulled to a stop. The Doctor let go of Celestia's hand, who quickly tried to take his hand back but missed. He quickly grabbed onto Pete before he could go back into the mansion. 

Celestia felt Rose take a hold of her hand and she quickly calmed down as they waited for the Doctor and Pete to come back to them.

"Since when have you and the Doctor been married?" Rose asked Celestia as she watched her 'father', trying to distract herself and Celestia. 

"Since he regenerated but we haven't had a proper ceremony yet." Celestia answered her before her voice began to waver. "We did a little bit of planning, nothing too concrete. We-we wanted to wait as we needed to solve a few issues first before committing to something, but everything has just been so wild and exciting." she said, her voice sounding so far away that if Rose wasn't holding her and by her side, she would think that Celestia was somewhere far away. 

"I lost track of who I was supposed to be." Celestia said, her eyes starting to water, but she refused to let her tears fall, she couldn't be weak. "Not enough time." she muttered lowly to herself but Rose still heard. 

Rose looked at Celestia with a happy yet puzzled look on her face. "What do you mean?" she asked her before taking both of her hands. "We are going to be traveling forever with the Doctor! We will have plenty of time for planning and wandering around the universe!" she said enthusiastically, trying to raise Celestia's spirit. "I'll even help you guys out; whatever you want, I'll be sure to accomplish it." she reassured her. 

Celestia let out a small but sad smile and let go of Rose's hands. "Thanks Rosie but I think I'm going to handle it by myself." she whispered. Rose shot a worried look at Celestia before she made the decision to stay silent as she didn't want to make Celestia more upset, but she did connect one of her hands back with Celestia's; knowing this was her only way of saying that she would be there for her without saying a word. The two continued to stay silent as they waited for Pete and the Doctor. 

"I've got to go back. My wife's in there." Pete pleaded to the Doctor, needing to get back to his Jackie. 

"If my wife was in there, I would be doing the same." The Doctor said, sneaking a glance over at Celestia before looking back at Pete. "But those things leave death and destruction in their path. Anyone left inside that house is dead. If you want to help, then don't let her die for nothing. You've got to come with us right now." The Doctor said to Pete, who casted a look over to the door before agreeing with the Doctor and headed towards the van. 

"Come on! Get a move on!" the female driver shouted at them as Celestia took a hesitant step towards her voice but stopped when she felt Rose stay still. 

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