Back in the Dark

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Celestia liked to believe that she had changed a lot during her time with the Doctor and Rose, that she was so different from who she used to be, but to her, she hadn't changed that much throughout the year that they have been traveling for. As she laid in her bed, ignoring the gentle knocks on the door from Rose, Celestia couldn't help but go through the events in her life; wondering how it all went wrong. Maybe it was something she had done or maybe it was karma but deep in her heart, Celestia knew that it was her fate; that she was meant to die for the stars, it's all part of the package of being the Great Star. All humans die and that was okay but why does she have to die right when everything was finally going well for her. That was something she couldn't wrap her head around. 

"Celeste? Celeste, please let me in." Rose's soft pleas caused Celestia's heart to ache, but she continued to ignore the young woman pleas as she needed more time to herself. "Celeste, please open the door. We are all worried about you." Rose said, her tone full of worry and concern but Celestia instead snuggled deeper into her bed.

Rose sat down by her door, waiting patiently for Celestia. Celestia could hear the young girl talk about anything that came to her mind, from talking about drama that had occurred back on Earth to asking Celestia questions about her life. Celestia, wanting Rose to leave, uses her to free one of her hands and summoned some projections of stars to go to Rose to let her know that she was fine. Rose, not wanting to leave but happy that she got a sign, leaves Celestia alone but does go back to the Doctor and Mickey to tell them about Celestia. 

After a while, the knocks had stopped before starting again but these knocks were different. They were heavier and louder than Rose's knocks. 

"Celeste?" Mickey's voice rang out from outside the door, surprising the blonde a bit. "I'm not here to pressure you into talking or coming out but can you at least knock on the door to tell me that you are safe." he requested, worried about the blonde but not wanting to overstep as Celestia has been the nicest out of everyone and their friendship has grown since they have first met. Celestia thought it over and lightly walked over to the door, giving it a few gentle knocks before going back to bed. 

Mickey smiled in relief once he heard the knocks. "Thank you. If you need anything or need somebody to talk to, don't be afraid to reach out. You can always text me if you don't want to say it." he said before walking away. A faint smile grew on Celestia's face when she listened to his words before going back to reminiscing when she heard rapid knocks on her door. 

"Starlight?" the Doctor's voice called out, causing Celestia's body to freeze. "Starlight, please open the door. Tell me what's wrong, you know you can tell me anything." he said to her frantically, hoping that she would let him in. Once he had heard that Celestia had responded back to Mickey and Rose, he had run from the console room to her door, hoping to hear from her. Part of him wanted to knock the door down, worried that something happened to her or that she was in trouble, but the Doctor knew that the Tardis would let him in if she was dying or in trouble but that did nothing to lessen the worry and fear the course through his body. 

"Yea, let me just flat out tell you that I'm dying." she scoffed as she buried her head into her pillow, blocking out all sound. Celestia let herself relax once she knew that the Doctor had left, letting herself do what she spent half her time doing, sleeping. With a sudden thud, Celestia awoke from her sleep. She frowned when she noticed that her room was in complete darkness, causing her to jump out of bed and immediately crash onto the floor when she tripped on something. She hissed, holding her knee in pain before carefully getting up and slowly moving towards the door, she was instead met with the wall.

"What the fuck is going on?" She asked herself as she made her way to the light switch, flicking it on and off but the room stayed in darkness. 

"Sexy?" Celestia called out to the Tardis but was met with no response back, nothing to signal that the Tardis was even listening to her. Celestia carefully found the door to her room and left, sticking to the wall to walk slowly to the counsel room. "Charming? Rosie? Mick? Help?" she continued to call out, walking past multiple doors and going into random hallways. She finally stopped when she felt another wall in her way, another dead in. "I'm going to be stuck here wondering forever if I don't find the others." she said to herself as she tried to think of a way out of the hall and into the console room. 

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