One Foot in the Future, the Other in the Past

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Authors Note: Hi Y'all! Happy Thanksgiving! (Well by the time this is posted Thanksgiving would have already passed but I still wanted to wish you guys a happy Thanksgiving). I will be going back and editing/adding more content later, but I wanted to post it for y'all. I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, if anyone have questions or notices a mistake, feel free to comment please! 

"It's a spaceship. Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go." Mickey said excitedly once he stepped out of the Tardis. Celestia quietly walked out of the Tardis with the Doctor and Rose, trailing behind as she tried snapping herself out of her depressed state. 

It had been a few days since their adventure with Sarah Jane, but Celestia still did not feel 100%, it was as if something had changed inside of her, and she didn't know how she felt about it (well she did, she was just trying very hard not to focus on the negatives); no one knew how to even address it to her in fear that she would shut herself in her room again. 

She tried her hardest to push all her negative thoughts away to the furthest corner of her mind, but she couldn't help but engage with them. Because of that, she shifted her focus to try and avoid the bits and pieces of equipment that was scattered around the room of the spaceship, hoping it would distract her from herself.

"It looks kind of abandoned. Anyone on board?" Rose asked as she looked around the area curiously while the Doctor trailed behind with Celestia. He watched her for a moment before joining their hands together, keeping his free hand inside his coat pocket. Celestia smiled at him softly, appreciating the action. The Doctor was very patient with her and was waiting for the moment Celestia would tell him what's wrong, he was very worried but knew that he should not push the blonde to talk when she doesn't want to. 

The Doctor turned his head around, trying to survey the area for any signs of life or danger. "Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous." He said, sounding very sure of himself before looking down to see Celestia looking up at him with a raised eyebrow. With that look from Celestia, he took another look around. "Well, not that dangerous. You know what, I'll just have a quick scan, in case there's anything dangerous." He said, walking over to the ships console. Celestia peered over the console as her fingers traced the surface of it.

"So, what's the date? How far we gone?" Rose asked the Doctor excitedly, eager to know so that they could go explore the seemingly empty ship.

"About three thousand years into your future, give or take." He told her before finding the light switch on the ship console, causing the ceiling to open up to show the stars.

Celestia looked up at the stars and read them, finding out as much information that she could as she took a couple steps back to get a better view. "51st century. Diagmar Cluster, you're a long way from home, Mickey. Two and a half galaxies." She informed him. He looked at her in amazement before going back to look at the stars but this time he went over to the closest window for a better look, Celestia smiled at his actions before joining the Doctor's side. The Doctor had found a tangled-up pile of wires and was attempting to sort it out but was instead getting stuck in it, causing the blonde to laugh before going to help him.

"Silly Timelord, what would you do without me?" she said as she untangled him from the wires.

The Doctor looked at her with a fond smile, but Celestia noticed the few streaks of sadness in his eyes. "I dread to even think it." He spoke in a whisper. The partners stared at each other, staying silent before smiling at each other and moving on to the other equipment surrounding them, the Doctor needing a better look at it to decipher what exactly was going on with the ship. The two stayed close, almost at touching distance, still needing to feel each other's presence.

"Mickey Smith, meet the universe. See anything you like?" Rose asked her boyfriend, who looked away at the scene in front of him to smile widely at her.

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