heart broken.(1)

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"hyung.. i have always wanted to tell you that i love you. I love you soo much that i can't even explain it .. how? When? Why? I don't know.. all i know is i love you.. and you're my only one"
Jungkook said holding his love namjoon's hand in his own.

Namjoon looked at him with loving eyes and smiled softly then tightened up his hold onto the younger's hand

"I love you too jungkookie.. i always had.." namjoon said ..
They both leaned forward to attach their lips but Jungkook's alarm starts ringing..

Jungkook woke up from the noise of his alarm and sit up then stopped the clock.. he let out a long sigh..
He was again dreaming about confessing his feelings for namjoon..

Namjoon who is his best friend's elder brother.. he has been in love with namjoon from the time he realised what love is.. the hopeless romantic boy always try to make excuses to spend some time with namjoon. Jungkook isn't a bad student.. but he always goes to namjoon for help in studies even though he understands and can solve those questions.. but he likes it when the elder tries to make him understand..

The 24 year old man who's now in his final year in university.. is in love with a 26 years old man who's his best friend's brother.. and worked in a office.. even though they're not same aged friends but they get along really well.

Today jungkook thought to confess his feelings to namjoon.. it's been 8 years since he's in love with the elder male.. he was 16.. when he first time saw the boy in their house .. namjoon was  sitting on his study table.. reading some novel.. when Taehyung introduced him to namjoon.. namjoon put his book on the table and stood up to greet the younger male.. smiling at him .. and the moment he saw that dimple of namjoon he felt like his heart skipped a beat.. namjoon is the reason why he realised that he's into boys.. well at least in namjoon.. from then jungkook would do anything to make namjoon smile.. that dimple smile was his dose of serotonin..

He would get help from namjoon in studying.. namjoon is a brilliant student.. he always helped him in studies.. jungkook sometimes comes with fake problems just to spend time with namjoon..

Today he has to confess.. he got ready for his university.. he headed to his class after reaching there.. he messaged namjoon to ask if he could meet him .. namjoon replied after 10 minutes because he was in a meeting.. and namjoon said he'll meet him in the evening in the cafe where jungkook works.. 

Namjoon is the regular customer of that cafe.. jungkook works here for some extra pocket money.. also he's studying hotel management and he's really ambitious.. jungkook replied with ok..
The classes ended amd it's afternoon already.. he went to the cafe where he works in .. the manager greeted the boy with a smile.. then he saw namjoon coming there.. he smiled at the younger boy who was looking at namjoon with his doe eyes..

After all these months, it was obvious to the manager that jungkook likes that boy.. namjoon was greeted by the manager as he's regular customer.. he went to the younger male who just gave his order to his customers.. and then jungkook came forward to namjoon with a smile and a capachino that namjoon likes.. he gave his coffee to namjoon who asked him if he can give his 10 minutes to him.. now who's going to tell namjoon that the younger can give his whole life to him.. jungkook went to the manager and asked if he can .. but before jungkook finished his words the manager agreed winking playfully at him.. jungkook blushes and then said to namjoon that it's fine.

They both went outside.. standing beside namjoon's car on the bridge near the cafe..

"So ..what you going to say?" Namjoon asked .. jungkook got more nervous. His hands started sweating more .. he looked at his shoes.. playing with his fingers.. he was about to say something but his voice got stuck in bis throat. Jungkook made an eye contact with namjoon and again tried to speak but then namjoon got a call ..

"Please take it. It might be important" jungkook said and namjoon nodded picking up the call.. it was his boss .. he talked to him. Jungkook noticed the blush on namjoon's face while talking to his boss .. it made him feel wired in his stomach..

"Who is it hyung?" Jungkook asked after namjoon cut the call..

"It's my boss .. mm.. jungkook.. i don't know if i should say it like this now.. but you're always close to me. For me Taehyung and you are same.." namjoon said jungkook hated this.. he never wanted to be his brother.. not at all..

"My boss . Kim Seokjin.. i .. i think.. i think i like him" namjoon said and jungkook face become pale. He felt like the land slipping under his feet.. he felt like someone stabbed him on his chest.. he couldn't breathe.. the stand facing each other.. while the sun was setting down.. the breeze was hitting them..

"Jungkook? Jungkook? What happened?" Namjoon got worried seeing jk's reaction..

"Nothing hyung.. I'm just not feeling well."

"Should i take you to the hospital?"

"No no.. it's ok"

"Ok. But what happened suddenly? And what you were about to say?" Namjoon asked

"Nothing important hyung.. there's no point of saying it now.. hyung.. i ..mm.. i need to go now. I'll see you later.. i just remember something important" jungkook said and just ran from the place..

He couldn't take it anymore.. he went in front of the cafe .. he went inside saying he need to take a leave.. his face was saying something is wrong.. the manager asked if he needs any help or not jungkook said no.. he can manage..he just need few days leaves.. with that he get on his motorbike and went from there.. where he was going? No idea.. but it's just hurting so bad that he wanted to leave this place. His love.. his first love.. the only person he love has someone else in his heart.. he tried to pinch himself to check if it's real or not. He was hoping it to be a dream.. no not dream..a nightmare..
But it was real .. it wasn't any dream..

Namjoon was dumbfounded by this action.. even though the younger said that everything is fine but namjoon wasn't an idiot that he can't sense something is wrong.. he knew that the younger was hiding something.. probably he's in some problem but didn't wanted to share it with namjoon.. namjoon thought to ask Taehyung as they're best friends and will ask Taehyung to talk to jungkook..

Namjoon left to his office but the face of the younger was on his mind. He was worried about jungkook.. he even called him the younger male wasn't receiving any of his calls..

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Hi readers..
So this is the first chapter..
Hope you'll like it.
I'll try to end this story within 20 chapters.. but let's see what happens..

Please vote if you liked it.
Tata .

My Only One Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ