where are you?(2)

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It's been two days since jungkook was nowhere to be found.. he didn't attend his classes.. he took a leave from the cafe.. his phone was switched off .. the younger just went missing..

Taehyung called namjoon and he picked up the call and the first thing he asked was "did you get to know anything about jungkook?" Taehyung let out a long disappointing sigh and namjoon realised that he don't know about jungkook.. 
Then they talked for a while and namjoon cut the call..


4 days  later

Jungkook returned to his apartment after a week.. he didn't wanted to but there's no other options.. he can't just escape the reality like this.. this one week was emotionally traumatic for jungkook.. there wasn't any night when he didn't cried..

He opened the door of his room .. the house seems lifeless to him ... But he's a strong man.. he can't break down like this .. he switched on his phone and saw many messages from namjoon.. Taehyung and his dad..

He called his dad and Mr. Jeon immediately picked up the call..

"Hello? Hello? Jungkook? Are you ok?"

"Hi dad. Yeah I'm ok. Don't worry"

"Don't worry? Where the hell you were doing since past 6 days? How many time did i called you? I called namjoon and Taehyung too.. your neighbour as well..they said they don't know anything.. what happened to you? Why you were doing this?"

Jungkook let out a long sigh and replied
"I'm sorry dad .. it's just that.. i .." he couldn't speak more.. he thought he won't cry but he did.. Mr. Jeon was shocked to hear him crying..

"Hey.. hey son.. I'm sorry.. i didn't mean to get angry on you.. don't cry like this..tell me what happened..but don't cry"

"No dad.. I'm sorry.. i should have contact  you at least.. it will never happen i promise.."

"Ok..ok.. now don't switch your phone off ..ok? And tell me why did you do this?"

"I won't do it again..it's fine now. Don't worry "

"Well.. ok. Wait have you talk to namjoon or Taehyung yet?"

"No.. i haven't."

"Oh. Then let me call namjoon..he was worried about you.. he called me everyday to know if you called or not"
Mr.jeon replied and jungkook again cried.. he didn't let his dad know that he started crying again .. but it's his dad after all..

"No need to call him now dad. I'll do it .. don't worry. He must be at his office now." Jungkook said

Mr. Jeon cut the call.. he didn't said anything to him.. nothing.. he understood that it's not something small..


Kim Namjoon was with his boss kim seokjin.. namjoon was explaining Seokjin's timetable to him.. saying which meeting is really important and has to be done by today.. jin nodded listening his secretory's words..

"Ok namjoon- shi.. i got it. But what happened to you?"

"Sorry sir?"

"I mean you're being quiet and seems to be worried about something. Is everything ok?"

"Yes sir .. all good" namjoon said and that's when he got a call from someone.. he looked at seokjin who nodded indicating him to take the call..

Namjoon picked up the call.. and heard something from the other side that made his eyes wide and smile ..

"What? You.. you saw him? I'm coming there.. Thank you.." namjoon's voice sounded excited..
He looked at his boss and said
"Sir.. i need to go to somewhere.. it's really urgent.. can i?"

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