Sacrificing the non-blooded for the bigger picture. And no bigger picture was always a sunny image to fight for. But at least she would attempt to not kill any of the civilians, until they'd threaten to detonate the bomb, if at all. She whispered for Hitano to check up above again thoroughly, just to help enforce her own guilt-filled adamance. Fifteen minutes passed by, and during it, Hori actively examined the soldiers while watching the survivors happily chat amongst each other in this large white space. Meanwhile, one more spot became of interest to Hitano. The control tower on the side of the Carrier, with more SDF standing around on it. She approached and waved in a cheerful manner. "Can I talk to ya, mister soldier!?" She called out. The soldier heard her and looked down just to shake his head in response. She forced a frown before jogging up to him.

"No, no, I just said you cannot talk with me, go back below, now." He said firmly. Next to them was another soldier inside the control room, turning the carrier around seemingly out of boredom. And next to him, was a button device with an antenna, protected by a metal wire latch covering. She faced the deck and leaned on the rail, smiling fruitily, but the soldier remained glaring at her, urging her to leave. The view enjoying was deceptive, and was for nothing other than making sure no one was watching them for what she was about to do. There was no way to get the bomb out of here after all, so she swiftly, but silently, pulled the soldier by his neck with the only familiar transformation of tendrils into the room and shoved the other away from the button. She had the both of them constricted, they tried to pry themselves out, gradually becoming desperate and tapping on her for mercy.
"Let us take the bomb away to destroy the scourge with it and save humanity, otherwise we will kill everyone here, including you. Ten more seconds, so just nod your surrender." One of the soldiers pulled out a Knife with their last bits of strength, just barely stabbing into her stomach. She crushed and snapped the neck of the resistant soldier, easing up on the other in hopes of an answer, but immediately came to hating herself for what she just did. As she thought before: they were in too deep, even now. They had to continue on.

The soldier wouldn't answer, not a single word was uttered, not while he looked at his fallen comrade with tears staining his attire. "I'm sorry." Hitano decided to leave him there to fuel is anger, to have him unleash rage upon her. Although what was ahead made it seem pointless, she still felt it necessary out of a newfound guilt and self-loathing. He quickly got up, breathing in an exasperated manner, and in a state of wrath, cocking his rifle. With a long and pained yell, he unloaded the entire mag into her and did not stop until his gun clicked. She feigned dying, violently falling down the steps. With the excruciating pain all over, she wondered if this was necessary too, just to avoid becoming found out, yet there was the soldier already with a broken neck. "What the hell have you done!?" A soldier yelled out from below. "She was a survivor you fucking psychopath!"

"I don't want to kill anyone again..." Hitano thought. Her truer self responded to her immediate thoughts and saw the situation she was in, stopping her heart in the following moments of the soldiers stormed their way up. The soldier was restrained and taken away as he desperstely yelled she was a special infected that killed his brother in arms.
"She was just a survivor, the poor girl... her life was taken just like that, after going through so much to get here... But... let's verify our comrade's cause of death, if she really is a special infected..." A scraping sound came from where Hitano laid, but they paid no mind to it, until realising their comrade's neck was broken, and hearing a strange sound similar to that of a rope or cable wildly unravelling and then cracking in the air. Only smeared blood toward the edge of the platform remained where Hitano was supposed to still be, putting them into red alert.

"All hands on deck! All hands on deck! Special infected is in the vicinity! Assume protocols and watch your sixes!" Then came the alerting sounds of scurrying on metal. He looked over to where the button was, only to find it gone with small traces of blood dripping onto the floor.
"The detonator has been stolen, all personnel escort the civilians and evacuate the ship! I repeat, all personnel escort the civilians and get the fuck out of here now! The detonator is missing damnit!"
Below, Hori could hear all of the frantic radio chatter, so now it was time for her to feign escaping, just hoping with all her being to be able to secure a helicopter. Everyone was already practically stampeding up and out without the escorts. Just the mere announcement of a special infected sent them into an extreme panic, this was all too clear for her, but now she still needed something to succeed. Hitano. Right on queue seemingly with her thoughts, Hitano appeared, moving toward them like a spider at an immense speed using her long tentacles gained from her monstrous self. "Oh no! There she is, help us please!" Hori called out. Then, Hitano prayed for herself to not have to kill anymore of them, instead, render them unconscious or incapacitated. Whatever was next was all on Hori. A soldier almost reached one of the aircraft, but was snatched Hitano and dragged away to below. They could only assume his fate was death as they watched in horror, shaken by his screams.

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