Layla acknowledged that I was there but she didn't say anything instead she focused her eyes on the film she was watching at the time while I scrolled through my phone. It was only six o'clock and I was absolutely starving, after a few minutes of sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone I decided to make some dinner instead of ordering something like we'd usually do.

An hour had passed and dinner was almost ready, I had laid three plates out— one for Layla, Harry and myself. Turning all the hobs off I walked out of the kitchen and into the bedroom to wake Harry up.
"Harry. Babe, I've made some dinner are you hungry?" I shook his shoulder gently and watched as he opened his eyes.
"Huh—what time is it?"
"Just passed seven, do you want something to eat?" Harry nodded and stood up slowly, I made my way back to the kitchen to dish up dinner and a few seconds later was joined by Harry.
"Layla are you hungry?" My hands where full with both mine and Layla's plates as I entered the living room, she nodded and said thank you as I passed her the plate. Harry took a seat beside me and the three of us ate in silence.
Another hour had passed and Harry was in the shower, I was sat in a deep conversation with Layla.
"I just don't think I can get through the funeral. I should probably give his mum a call, Angie will be absolutely heartbroken." I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my dressing gown and opened the contacts app to search for Angie's number.
"She won't know what to do with herself, Angie's always been a bit... you know?" I did know what she meant, there wasn't a single word in the dictionary that could describe Angie.
Surprised that I still had Angie's number I clicked on the call button and within milliseconds it was ringing.

"Hello?"  I could hear the sadness in her voice as the call connected.
"Angie, it's Erin... Barnes." I could almost hear the smile that had creeped up on her face.
"Erin! Oh how are you? I haven't seen you in— well a long time."
"Yeah it's been a while, I've been good. I'm sorry I haven't called sooner and I'm sorry that I'm calling you now. I heard about our Dylan." Everytime I said his name a small piece of my heart broke off and crumbled into nothing.
"It was a shock, a really big shock. Honestly Erin I just want to get the funeral over and done with, he wouldn't like us to be upset."
"The funerals next Wednesday at nine, will you be able to make it up?" She added, I could hear that she was crying and so that made me cry.
"Of course, I wouldn't miss it. I'll get the train up on Monday morning, I'll book mine and Layla's tickets now."
"Thank you Erin, you were always my favourite."

We hung up not long after, I promised that I'd get the train on Sunday instead of Monday to give her a hand with the preparations since she couldn't do them all herself. As I booked the train tickets I sat on facetime with my mum and dad who were thrilled that I was coming back home but were upset due to the circumstances of my visit. I called Mitch for the second time that night requesting the week off from work and sacrificing one of the weeks I'd booked off for a holiday.

The next day I'd booked Layla an appointment at the doctors office and we were both sat in the waiting room waiting for her name to be called.
"Layla Scott?" Layla's head snapped up the second she heard her name being called, she hesitantly stood up and I followed her into the doctor's office.
"I understand you're looking for a pregnancy confirmation Miss Scott? Do you mind doing a urine sample?" Layla nodded not speaking a single word, she took the sample bottle and walked out of the office and to the bathroom I guessed, she returned a few minutes later and handed the sample back to the doctor who placed a pregnancy test into the sample. While we waited for the three minutes that it took to develop she asked Layla a number of questions. When was your last period? Are you sexually active? Have you had any bleeding at all in the last month or two? You get the picture, I could tell Layla felt uncomfortable answering those questions but nonetheless she answered them and I held her hand the entire time.
"Well congratulations Layla you are indeed pregnant." The doctor seemed happy to deliver the news but by Layla's reaction her happiness quickly vanished and became concerned.
"Correct me if I'm wrong Miss Scott but it seems like you aren't happy with this news. There's plenty of options we can discuss if you'd prefer but of course I'd like to book you in for a scan as soon as possible to find out how far along you are in your pregnancy." Layla wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks.
"Is there any possible way we could get a scan today?" I asked the doctor who simply nodded and turned towards the computer.
"All I can do is refer you to the maternity ward at the hospital, it can take a few weeks for a letter to come in the post but if you would urgently like to know then I guess you could go private instead. I know a clinic not far from here, I can call up and book you in for this afternoon but there is a fee."

Layla and I looked at each other and sort of telepathically agreed that was the best option considering she had absolutely no clue how many weeks she was and had no idea what she was going to do with the baby. I spoke for Layla, she seemed to overwhelmed by the news to even open her mouth and attempted to string a sentence together, Doctor King picked up her phone and typed in the number to the clinic. "Ok Layla, you have an appointment for 12:30 today. This is the address here and on the back there's directions, now I'm still going to go ahead and book you a scan at the hospital incase you're still undecided about what you're going to do— and I'm also going to book you another appointment to see me again in eight weeks time if that's alright. There's a fee of £150 for your appointment this afternoon."
Doctor King handed Layla a bunch of leaflets regarding  early pregnancy, hospitals, adoption, abortions and a load of other options.
Leaving the doctors office we walked to Layla's car and instantly she broke down into tears.
"I'm so scared Erin, I don't know what to do."
"Hey it's okay, it's going to be alright. You can do this, you know you can do this L." I tried my hardest not to cry but I couldn't help it, Layla was sobbing and holding her stomach and it was that moment I realised that she'd already made her decision to keep the baby but she felt lost, she didn't have anyone except from me and that was enough because I'd be there for her and I'd never leave her side.

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