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edit#1- Grammar changes

FinalGoji walked through the grasslands, never-ending winds blew onto his face, yet he never seemed bothered by it. FinalGoji saw a hint of blue in the far distance, this was an all-familiar and nostalgic sight. He couldn't remember the last time he had been able to roam the world without being bothered by humanity or other kaiju. Approaching the sea, he could take in the scent of seawater, with no boats or ships in sight. He was walking into the ocean, submerging himself in the deep blue depths. FinalGoji swam through the sea, where to? A question he could not answer, he was not familiar with this world, and he did not have a son to return to. FinalGoji felt uneasy, unsure of Minilla's safety, hopefully he would be okay.

FinalGoji felt something off, he looked up to see someone flying into him, they grabbed him with their tails and pulled him out of the water. The being was none other than a Ghidorah, one that forcefully pulled him out of the water and is now flying high above land. FinalGoji charged his atomic breath, not in the mood for games. He blasted an atomic breath at the Girl. She yelped as they both started falling. They crashed into the earth, FinalGoji however was able to shrug it off. He looked at the girl, charging up an atomic breath. He was about to fire when she jumped up and shot out several beams of electricity at him, Finalwar tanked all the blasts, not in the mood. He scowled at her, but his anger turned into confusion as one of those moth girls dived bomb into the ghidorah girl. The two started ripping at each other, and FinalGoji scoffed.

These two, I suppose humanity isn't the only species that goes to war. I know damn well I ain't get getting any rest until this war ends. The moth girl found herself pinned down as she webbed at the Ghidorah's mouth, but the webbing was easily ripped off as the blonde charged her gravity beams, preparing to finish her off. However, a blue beam struck the blond girl, forcing her off the moth as a roar echoed throughout the sky. FinalGoji stormed toward the Ghidorah, grabbing her by the tail before she could fly off, he spun around with her in his grasp, before tossing her into the ski and unleashing a power blast that incinerated her.

The moth girl stood up, dazed as she looked up at her hero, this thing...She couldn't help but question it's existence. "What are you?" FinalGoji rolled his eyes at her, letting out a low rumble as he walked off. The moth girl followed behind, FinalGoji tried to ignore her as he kept walking, but her presence was beginning to become irritating. He sharply turned and snapped at her with his jaws, the moth girl jumped back. Shocked by the sudden aggression, she looked it up and down, looking for whatever caused the hostility. FinalGoji believed he had made his point clear as he began to walk off, only to sigh as the moth girl continued to follow him. He glanced back at her, her eagerness to follow him reminded him of Minilla, perhaps she wasn't so bad.

Minutes turned into hours as hours turned into days, the moth girl didn't stop following FinalGoji as he walked blindly, unaware of where he was going. Eventually, he came across a large canyon, one that held a large abundance of kaijugirls. Which he still had no clue what they were, and the same for them as they all stared at him in awe, however, their staring of awe shifted into glares of hostility as they saw the moth girl beside him, who kept closer to his side. FinalGoji noticed the sudden change of tone in the environment and saw a large white draconic woman approach them. Her attention was mostly directed toward the moth girl. "Why are you here moth, I've already made it clear that we have no intent of joining such war, nonetheless aiding your kind."

The Draconic woman was enormous, twice the size of FinalGoji, and three times that of the moth, who cowered back in fear as she hesitated to speak, something that reminded FinalGoji of his son's inability to act independent, so scared, so small, weak, and vulnerable, it rose the parental instinct within him. FinalGoji stood in front of the moth girl, which confused the girl. The Draconic woman bared her teeth as FinalGoji didn't react, instead, he charged his dorsal plates, making them vibrantly glow as he let out his battle cry.

The Draconic woman began to glow vibrantly as she looked as if she was about to release her ultimate weapon. The two titans were face to face, both about to blast each other off the face of the earth. However, the moth girl stepped in, getting in front of FinalGoji. "Wait, we didn't come to fight!" FinalGoji saw the Draconic woman calm down and so he did the same.

The tall giantess woman looked down on the moth, "Why did you come here, and what is this thing?" The moth girl sighed. "My name is Lea, Mothra Lea, and I didn't mean to come here, I simply followed this uhh..."

"It looks like a Gorilla whale."

Lea looked at the woman confused. "What?"

"It looks like a Gorilla whale dinosaur."

Lea looked back at FinalGoji. "I'm not calling it Gorilla whale dinosaur, although it does translate into something decent in my native tongue. "How about Zilla?" FinalGoji wasn't sure why she was bothering to name him, although Zilla was oddly close to what the humans back in his own world called him. Lea clicked her tongue. "No, zilla seems lacking, you did come out of nowhere, and even fought off a keizer, to some degree. It's godlike, even. Aha! Godzilla! That's what I'll name you!"

And once again, he had become known as Godzilla, Interestingly, it seems no matter what world he came through, he'd always be known as Godzilla. It's poetic in a sense, how strange.

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