Video Call Pt 1

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Wow what a _____.

“Huh, we can use this to our advantage”


The next few days flew by. Cooking class has been great! And book club is really amazing too. Esme has been getting together with friends. I drop her off so she can have some fun. Though the first time I stayed at a distance and didn't worry I always make sure she had her homework and stuff done and correct before dropping her off. Dizzy has been a great help with her too.

Mal and Ben stop by and have lunch with us sometimes which turns a lot of heads. Evie and Doug sometimes watch Esme so I can also hang out with Dizzy, Celia, Ash, Ryan, Azzy, and Mila. They took me to a movie and later I took Esme too.

Esme is doing super well with school. She loves playing with them. The parents are so nice even offering to pick her up and drop her off later so I don’t have too. I help Evie and Dizzy with the business and it’s just been great.

This week though is family day.


I have to talk with Tally while having a video call with her father.

“Tally, please come to the office please”

In 5 minutes I hear a knock.

“Come in”

The girl walks in a little apprehensive.

“Don’t worry about anything at all, you're not in trouble. But we normally have a video call for the Vks whose parents are not here. They are separate so it’s all private but there are video cams in the room for security reasons. Now I talked to Evie and she told me to ask if you want to talk to your father. And since you are technically Esme’s mother, if you want her there too since it is her father.”

I see her pale and get all shaky. I see her take a breath and I just let her think about it,

“You can have time to think about it okay, you don’t have to answer right now, I just wanted to let you know”

“T-than-k you”

And with that she leaves.


It’s lunch and the whole group is talking and having fun when I see Tally come in. I knew she was late because I heard her get called down.

“Dude again, again” Ryan laughs.

“Alright get ready” Azzy says, throwing another goldfish into the air before trying to catch it.

“”You guys are so childish” Celia laughs with Mila and I.

Tally gets a tray and walks over,

“Hey… what’s wrong?”

“Uh nothing-”

“Doesn’t look like anything,” Ash says.

“Yeah” Mila agrees.

“So what’s wrong?” Celia asks.

“Miss Jane asked me if I wanted to video call Hans and if I wanted Esme to talk to him too.”

“Well what do you want to do?” Mila asks.

“I don't know. She deserves to have a chance to see him but he doesn't.”

“At least you have a few days to think about it”



Today is Family Day. Tally has let me know that she would do the video call with Esme and Hans but if it gets out of hand that Esme is to get picked up by Dizzy.

“Here you guys are” I smile.

I lead them in a nice room and guide then to the computer.

“Here, when you are ready just press the button. If you want to stop it, just press it again. I will be watching. If anything goes wrong I will step in okay. Evie is also watching in case.”

“Okay, thank you”


Miss. Godmother leaves and I turn and bend down to face Esme.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”


“Okay,” I sigh and I walk over and turn it on.

“Tally! Esme! Oh I’m so happy to see you”

“Hi Daddy!”

“Hi pumpkin” he says in a sing song voice. Makes me gag, but it makes Esme happy so…

“How are my wonderful daughters doing?”

“Good my teecher Mrs. Tiana is very nice and I made so many friends”

“Nice job,”

“Tally uh how are you?”

“Fine” I spat, and then I felt a squeeze in my hand.

I look down and see Esme smiling up at me. I try to relax and breathe,

“Good, and how are you?” I repeat.

“Better…uh hey listen I need some more money”

And there it is. The barganing, oh I was nice so now you give me something.

“I’m not working anymore,”

“So?” he asked raising his voice.

“I don’t have anything for you”

He slams the table and yells, “Bull-” but I cover Esme’s ears before she can hear the other part.

I immediately butt in and say, “Stop, we’ll be back”. I lead Esme out of the room where Evie and Miss. Godmother is.

I look at Esme and she looks upset, “Mama, daddy…”

“Honey I know you love your dad and I know I’m taking you away from him right now. It’s just Daddy needs to have a talk with me okay? I promise I’ll grab you at the end so you can tell him bye okay? I need you to stay with Aunt Dizzy? Do you mind doing that for mommy?”

She nods, “Okay mommy”

I kiss her on the head, “Thank you baby. Mommy will be quick, I promise.”


This brat. After everything I did for her. And for her to walk out like that!

Finally my dead beat daughter walks back in.

“Nice words, I’m surprised you are sober enough to call”

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