Dorm Time

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“Noah do you want to come solve this problem on the board”


*knock knock*

I turn to open the door and see Princess Evie.

“Princess Evie, how may I help you”

Yasmine then walks into view, and I see a cute little girl.

“Miss Tiana, this is my friend Esme”

Evie and I chuckle at how cute the girls are,

“Yes” Evie continues, “This is your new student, Esme Westergaard.”

“Hi sweetheart, I'm Mrs. Tiana,” I beam,

“Hi,” she laughs, “You’re very pretty, just like my mama and Aunt Evie”

“Awww, you are just too cute” I laugh, bopping her nose and making her laugh.

“Um her - mom will be picking her up”

“Okay” I nod, “Do you want to meet some other kids?”

“Yess, I can introduce you to everyone!” Yasmine squealed.

I let them in and said, “Everyone we have a new student. Please be welcoming to her okay,”

I then turn back to Evie, and I see Queen Mal walking towards.

“Oh hi Queen Tiana, E, where is T and Esme?”

“Oh Esme is seeing the classroom and her new classmates. Jane and Dizzy took T”

“Oh okay-”

“M? I’m going to make them some clothes, but where did Belle put the extra toy donations? I thought maybe Esme would like something”

“Oh I believe in the study. Tell you what I’ll run by later.”

I head back inside to see Esme and Yasmine playing with Warren and Lizzy. That just melts my heart.

Suddenly, a redhead opens the door. She is looking around for a moment before noticing me approaching.

“Hi I'm Mrs. Tiana”

“Hi I'm Tallulah, but you can call me Tally”

“Nice to meet you, so are you here-”

“Mama!” I hear Esme start running toward us.

“Honey, don’t run”

“Oh sorry”

“It’s okay, but you don’t want to trip, do you?”

“No, did you see my new friends? That’s Yasmine, Lizzy, and Warren! ”

“I’m glad you are making friends. Dizzy is going to take us to our dorm, so do you want to say see ya to them and Mrs. Tiana?”

“Yesss” she grins, walking back over and waving and then meeting with I guess her mom and saying, “Bye Mrs. Tiana”

“See you tomorrow Esme”

Tally only looks around 15 or 16, and Esme is 7, so you know what I’m just-I’ll ask later.


“Aunt Mal!” I hear Esme glee.

“Esme” I yell back as she runs towards me. I gently pick her up and then spin her around.

“Were you surprised?” Tally asks.

“Mama you know?”

“I saw her outside before I came in to pick you up”

“You did??”


“Are you guys ready to see the dorm?” Dizzy grins

“Yes,” Esme smiles, clapping her hands together.


We open the door, and it's pretty big.

It's purple all purple.

“I like the color” I smirk to Mal.

Everyone laughs as Esme looks confused.

“Your aunt is obsessed with this color, that and what green?”

“Hey it goes with most colors, and Ven was the one that insisted on the all purple.” Mal defends.

The room is open and very spacious. The walls are purple with 2 beds. One bed is plain purple and pretty big. It has a nightstand next to it with a lamp. The other is on the other side of the room. It's smaller, and I can tell they thought of Esme because the spread is all butterflies. We did bring her bed spread, but it can be used in the winter because it's more light weight. Next is also a nightstand with a matching lamp. In the middle is the grand window with 2 desks. There is a bookshelf near her bed with some children books and next to mine is a bookshelf with books for me.

Behind the desks in between the beds is a table with chairs and games under.

“Wow” I breathe out.

“Mama look at the room!” Esme squeals like Evie and Dizzy.

Everyone is laughing and smiling just like I am.

Esme rushes from one thing to the next. She immediately takes her shoes off, and now she's on the bed. She's hopping everywhere, now looking at the books and then to the games.



“Hey, do you guys want to meet some of my friends?” I ask when everyone leaves.

“Esme what would you like to do?” Tally wonders, looking at Esme.

“I want to meet them,” she responds.

“I do too,” she agrees.

“Great I'll text them to meet us for lunch”


“No you cheated, that's not fair” Ash yells to Ryan.

“ Says who?” Ryan questions.

“Me your cousin?” Ash replies as Ryan sticks out his tongue.

“Oh I'll-”

“Guys!” I yell getting their attention, “Diz just texted. we're meeting her for lunch. Tally came from the Isle..”

“Who's Tally again?” Azzy asks.

“Tally is the girl from the Isle and a good friend of Dizzy”

“Are you not friends with her?” Mila asks.

“I never really hung out with them. Diz and I only became friends when we came here together.”

“Ahh got it. Is her full name Tallulah?”

“Maybe? I honestly forget what Diz said. How come?”

“My mom (Mrs. Thatch is portrayed by Sally Hawkins or whoever you want) said we have a new member of the Book Club”

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