After school

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I walked outside the school gate I took out my phone to see if I have any new messages which I had non except from a text from dad saying "Cody are you okay"? I replied "all good dad see ya soon"
He always gets worried since i left left late and I didn't see him in the morning.after I wrote that message I tap came to my shoulder I turned around and it was Timmy,Alex and frankie eyeing me
"Hey guys what's up"?
"Cody we are doing a ninjago marathon we are gonna watch all of the episodes of ninjago all together at Timmy's house ANd U HAVE TO COME"! explained frankie
I really love ninajgo I couldn't say no to watching it with my best buds
"Okay let me just tell my dad that I'm going over to Timmy's" I said
They all nodded I walked away to make the call

"Yes son"
Hey dad I'm going over to Timmy's to watch ninjago we are doing a marathon of watching all of the episodes" I said
"Well sure son you want me to pick you up after patrol " said dad
"Ummm it's fine dad  that I want to walk" I said
"Oh okay son you kids really are growing up so fast" said dad in a happy manor
"Well okay son enjoy your time with your friends I will see you later" said Charlie
"Bye dad" I quickly replied
I ended the call
Well that went well I wasn't sure he will even yes since my grades have been low
I walked over to Frankie she was talking to her dad about something so I just nodded and walked past her.i walked over to Timmy and Alex they were waiting for me and frankie to finish our calls
After a moment of talking, frankie came over and said her dad said yes for going with us
With that said we all got ready  to go to Timmy's house Timmy lived 10 minutes from the school so Timmy's mom picked us up and drove us there

The boy who name is Cody burns...Where stories live. Discover now