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I woke feeling tried I slept and 3 am last night due to lack of homework overdue.oh man I hate homework.i managed to do every homework which was overdue but that one thing I did not do which I just realised as I woke up I DID NOT REVISE FOR MY PYTHON TEST I AM SOOOO DEAD!!!!
Dad is so gonna kill me he already got an email from the school yesterday saying that my maths teacher mrs robin saying that my grades for getting more lower by the second and that I was not paying much attention in class. I AM ONLY 14 LET ME HAVE A BREAK FROM PAYING ATTENTION IN CLASS AND GETTING PICKED ON BY THE TEACHERS
I'm already stressing about my end of year exams sometimes I wish I could slow down time to practice more on my grades then staying up at night working on how to improve them🙃

I grabbed my bag and speeded out of my room through the kitchen and down the pole.I amost fell down whilst jumping off it in a hurry.i didn't have time to activate my hoverboard so I just ran for it.

I finally arrived at school panting for breath, it was 8:31 school starts at 8:35 . I was so relieved I made it in time otherwise I would get a behaviour point for lateness, I already have 3 thanks to my maths teacher for not paying much attention in school over the 3 lessons.come to think of I did used to like school that's because it was much easier but since I'm older now I have so much studying to do for the final exams.

I arrived in my form classroom my tut teacher wasn't there , she normally comes in late anyway.So I just chilled in my seat and scrolled through my phone looking through any messages I had.But suddenly something caught my eye it was a message from an unknown user it said "hello there I sit in ur form I stare at you deeply and I know where u live"..I was speech less my mouth dropped open wide in concern then I was replaying the words in my head.Then out of nowhere my tut teacher came in and looked at me then made her way to my desk."CODY BURNS ALL PHONES OR DEVICES SHOULD BE TURNED OFF DURING SCHOOL HOURS". Oh great just what I needed another teacher telling me off and I bet she will begin to threaten by saying she is gonna calling my dad if I don't turn off my phone.In a quiet manor I just gently spoke "sorry miss my dad sent me a important message" I lied I couldn't tell her about the unknown user texting me..She simply just gave me the look and trailed off to her desk in the front of the classroom and started to take the register

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